Saturday, November 30, 2019

Let's talk about art

Hi Charlie! Today, I want to talk about art. Some days ago, I talked with Lily about art, especially paintings, and it gave me the idea to talk about it in an article. I usually visit museum when I travel, I'm very interesting about that, particularly to see the different paintings according to the country. I'm going to tell you my 9 favorite paintings.

1. The Starry Night by Van Gogh
The Starry Night is my favorite painting on Earth. Really. I would love to see it in real life. Colors are beautiful and forms too, and I love starry nights so it's normal that I love this painting.

2. The Birth of Venus by Botticelli
I love this painting, and people often tell me that I look like Venus in it (especially when my hair was long), even if I don't think so. I also love the tone of yellow, it's a beautiful painting, particularly when we know that Botticelli did it for his wife who died at 23 years old.

3. Mona Lisa by De Vinci
Moa Lisa is the most famous painting in Earth. I saw it when I was young (around 8 years old) and I think it is the first painting I was really interested in. I found very curious that whatever the place we are, she always seems to look at us, like a picture, I was very fascinated by this.

4. Girl with a pearl earring by Vermeer
I was interested by this painting in "CM2" because I had to do a presentation on Vermeer and I studied this paint which I found amazing because of the realism even if it does not seem very real, but I really liked the contrast of colors between blue, yellow and black.

5. Guernica by Picasso
I saw Guernica in Spain, and at the beginning I really don't understand, but when I looked better, things seems to rearrange themselves. In fact, it's a very interesting painting (and huge) and at the same time it's moving, because there is a lot of violence in it, and the contrast of black and white adds amotions, but also, there are so many details that are very important and have a specific meaning, even if I didn't all understand them but fortunately I could see on Internet analysis which really helped me, and I think you shuld see analysis too.

6. Las Meninas by Velazquez
Las Meninas is a painting I saw this summer at el Museo del Prado in Madrid, it is a beautiful and very curious painting because the painter who represented himself on it looks directly at the observer, and it surprised me a lot , but I can't really say why I like this painting, I was juste interesting in it.

7. The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai
The Great Wave off Kanagawa is a sort of evolution of Hokusai. 30 years before, he painted two others waves and we can clearly see an evolution in his wrok and a huge reflexion. This painting became an inspiration for the world. I like to see the details and the different shades of blue. If you are interested, there is an artist named Chris Jordan who takes photos and who rebuilt the painting only with garbage.

8. The Floor Scrapers by Gustave Caillebote
This painting is amazing. I saw it at the "Musée d'Orsay" and I found it amazing, especially the details, and the reflect of light are great. It's one of the first painting which talks/ shows manual works, which wasn't well viewed at this moment.

9. Woman with parasol, turned to the left by Monet
I saw this painting in the "Musée d'Orsay" too, I like paintings which show landscape and nature and I particularly love the shades in this painting, which are completely different. In addition, I love the impressionism, like "Impression, soleil levant" by Monet or "Les coquelicots".

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this article and you discovered some things about these paintings. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this virtual visit of your dream fine arts museum!
