Saturday, November 30, 2019

Jeanne Foltzer

This very special cat breed that is actually mostly unknown in France, compared to other more classical breeds, will make your prejudices about cats completely change after you will read this article, or make you adore cats even more if you're a cat adept! So, to tempt you into perhaps having one, here are eight facts about America's second most popular cat breed, that will leave you thinking if this article isn't actually about dogs... 

1. What's up with the name?
As you know, rag doll is just like your old doll that you had younger, the one that looks more traditional than the Barbie. The name of the cat breed was taken from that, because of their faculty to be completely harmless when you take them in your arms. Indeed, they are lap cats, as they love being held, and become limp and floppy like rag dolls when they are picked up. 

2. A relatively new breed:
An American woman named Ann Baker, is known for creating the breed in California during the 1960s. She took relatively long haired white cats and bred them, to resulting kittens that were the progenitors of the Ragdoll breed. One of the cats in the original Ragdoll bloodline may have had Siamese-Like markings, or Baker mated that first cat with Birman, Burmese, or Persian cats. However, since nobody quite knows which cat breeds Baker used to create the infamous Ragdoll, the origin of the breed's classic color-pointed coat (a technical term to describe the colored areas of the cat's fur) remains a bit of a mystery. 

3. Their appearance is one-of a kind:
As you may have seen in the picture, the Ragdoll detains a plush-fur, color-pointed coat and large corpulence, but what is most captivating about them, is their bright blue eyes that make you fall in love with them. They also come in a variety of shades and several patterns (the list is too long for me to put it), and their coats actually darken throughout time, going from a rather pale color, to their permanent hues as they grow older. 

4. One of the largest cat breeds...
According to the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA), male Ragdolls typically weigh between 15 and 20 pounds, and females, a bit less, but still in a range between 10 and 15 pounds. That makes them slightly larger than other feline heavyweights like the Maine Coon (average of 18 pound), or the Norwegian Forest Cat (weighing up to 16 pounds). 

5. ...Yet the most docile:
They are affable and quiet cats. Thanks to this trait, they are known to be one of best cat breeds for apartment living. However, this can provoke a downside: it may not meow if it's distressed or in pain- so your attention towards should not be negligible. But, this is a just a generality, it can differ from every Ragdoll, as mine for example meows constantly for food!

6. Ragdolls are "dog-like" cats:
Ever wanted a pet that will play fetch with you, hide and seek, follow you from room to room (attention the Ragdoll is like a glue, so anticipate this before getting one), and sleep with you in your bed? The Ragdoll is a basically a cat dog, which makes them so original, unique and loved by humans. This breed is the proof that not all cats are mean, agressive felines that do not care about you! The Ragdoll will give you as much love as needed, and will always stay loyal to you. 

7. Their docilness and kindness can trick them at times:
Ragdolls have been found to be so gentle and unproblematic, that they are said to be sometimes a little bit too naive with the outer world, as danger does not exist for them! They trust and love so much that those character traits do leave them more open for danger than usual cats that are known to be independent and live in the wild. So, if you have a Ragdoll, it is preferable that you do not own an enormous garden or house, as they are a rather fragile breed. 

8. They ARE an investment...
Indeed, the Ragdoll cat breed is known to be rather an expensive one, as their cost can go up to 2000€. However, knowing from personal experience, they are totally worth this astonishing budget. They are extremely sweet, and will completely appease you, you will feel like their god on earth with them, and above all, this breed is known to last up to 20 years of living, an age way above the average for a cat's life expectancy.

Hope this will leave you less skeptical about cats, or even more in awe of those folks. To leave you on a pleasant note, here are some picture of my cat: Paco. :))


  1. I never knew I could love so much a blog about cats lol it's so interesting it made me want a cat hehe and also your cat is soooo cute and the name Paco is perfect lol

  2. That's what I call a quality article. Thanks for the cute photos, your cat looks adorable :)

  3. Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same

  4. I have a friend who has two of them ( a male and a female). The male is really lazy and sleepy (making him more a carpet than a cat but you can’t spell « carpet » without « cat » ) but the feamle is rarely seen as she hides a lot. I would like to have one of those because they are very fluffy but I wouldn’t like their glue-like behavior.

  5. Very informative article And the photos of your cat are just adoooorable!
