Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Mule

Hi everybody I hope you’re all enjoying your holidays. I am for sure, even though I’m mostly chilling on my own, reading and Netflixing. You got to take time for yourselves guys it’s very important. However I really have to work so I’m going to the mountains tonight because it’s an ideal place to study. I just wanted to share with you guys a movie I saw yesterday night: “The mule”

It’s directed by Clint Eastwood who’s also playing in it as a main character. I’ll give you a quick summary of the movie but I have to say, make sure your box of tissues isn’t far away when you watch it. Obviously it depends on your emotional baggage if one may say but if you’re sensitive you’ll definitely cry.

So “The mule” is basically the story of a broke and alone 90-year- old horticulturist Earl Stone who’s facing foreclosure on his business. He ends up being a drug courier for a Mexican cartel. Obviously it’s not that simple and the DEA comes in (the drug enforcement administration). Earl Stone has problems with his family and he has to find a way to manage all of this without being caught by the DEA and without being killed by the cartel.

Tell me in the comments if you decided to watch it and if you liked it or not! See you soon ;)

PS: I just finished “Friends” the best series of all time.. I’m heartbroken so if you know good series which will make me laugh please  share them 🙏


  1. I advise you the small anime Nanbaka or the classic that are the movies that came from the comedic genius of Edgard Wright which are "Hot Fuzz", "The World's end", "Saun of the dead" and "Scott Pilgrim versus the World"
    sorry I'm doing my best but I don't watch a lot of series

    1. and in the anime category there's also "Nichijou" and "Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid" and "Pop team epic"

  2. I’ve already seen the movie and I loved it, earl stone is so funny 😂
    I was sad at the end when cops finally get him. When I first start the film I wasn’t expecting that type of movie at all

  3. Clint Eastwood movies are always unique!
