Monday, June 03, 2019

GOT's ending (or how to start a war in a fan community) SPOILER ALERT and OPINION IS COMING

Hey Charlie , I would like today to share with my opinion on Game of Thrones last season. It will not be as much elaborated as I wish it could be, since I don't want it to be a hundred page long. It is quite obvious to say but I will say it just in case: SPOILERS ARE COMING (+ this article contains OPINION and a lot of SUBJECTIVITY)
The general opinion about this ending is quite clear: it is nonsense and disappointing and we should rewrite it completely. On one hand, I agree that as spectator we have the power to appreciate or not a work of fiction, but who are we to rewrite a whole season ? The show-runners in a way own GOT (not the books but still), therefore we can only agree or disagree with their choices but we can't erase them or consider them as illegitimate.
Now my opinion. I will divided it in three parts because I will talk of the three main episodes: 3, 5, and 6.
- Episode 3:
Episode 2 in my opinion did a great job in building up the tension fo Episode 3 by reminding us of the links between all the characters present for the battle. I was literally anxious for this episode and I was sure the battle will be lost. The beginning of the episode is clearly an illustration of the expression: calm before the storm. It is silent and therefore stressful. The battle, visually, just like the whole season is really impressive (dragons fighting, dothrakis deaths signified by their weapons being extinguished...) and even us spectator have trouble to survive to a that much intense and long fight. We have a lot of fear for the characters we love (even though not that many of them end up dying) and the characters dying have the death which suit the most to their story (Jorah protecting the woman he always loved, Theon sacrificing himself and being recognized as a Stark by the person who suffered he most because of him...) A human victory was less and less to be expected or hoped. They would have have more chances to win if they knew how to organize a battle. Having during a siege, infantry in front of the battlements and defensive trenches and light cavalry charging as a front line is clearly showing that our characters (in fact the show-runners) don't now how t organize troops during sieges. These are details that can only be noticed if you know how troops should be organized but these elements give no credibility to this battle . Yes it is spectacular but it is incoherent and it can lose a spectator. Now let's talk about the Night King's death, the first element of conflict between fans and GOT. Let's all face it, it is disappointing in the way it is done. No epic fight with Jon, no white walkers vs heroes, but a sneaky attack by Arya the Kangaroo Assassin is suficient to end the biggest threat of the series, presented in the first scene of the firts episode (Winter is coming, so what, easy come easy go). Yes it is unexpected and yes it is logical (Arya linked to death all through GOT and NK being symbol of death; Bran giving the blade to Arya and the blade is made from stone which created the NK)but it raises the following question: what is the use of Jon? And Daenaerys and her dragons? What about the Azor Ahai prophecy ? Without Jon or Daenaerys what would have been different (dragons were not a game changer and the Unsullied and Dothrakis died really quickly).
- Episode 5:
I will be more succinct this time as I will only talk about the Mad Queen. Visually it is still impressive but plot-holes such as the one present in episode 3 are still here for my displeasure. Sit down and take a deep breath, have a glass of water and read carefully: Daenaerys turning evil is an EXCELLENT idea because it illustrates how power and the obsession of being right and realizing your own destiny can dangerous and destructive. Also it brings a poetic meaning to the season: instead of witnessing an apocalypse of ice, we witness an apocalypse of fire. And as the rain of ashes looks like snow, we can clearly see that WINTER IS HERE. It doesn’t come from nowhere, since there are some elements of foreshadowing in the previous seasons and there are some logical causes to her fury. But the way it is executed is terrible because it is too sudden. An element such as this one should have been prepared earlier (not announced or foreshadowed but prepared) and clearly illustrated in the season. It would have been less unexpected but you could have add some elements of doubt and the preparation could have been subtle (it is hard but it is their work as show-runners right). Oh and Jon is useless in this episode (will he be useful in the next episode ?)
- Episode 6:
Dear, dear episode 6. I will have no mercy for you. I don’t like you. You are too long and too incoherent in his ideas to be appreciated by me. Long because the show-runners decided to spend most of the episode in explaining and justifying their choices through Tyrion’s two monologues, as if they already knew it would be disliked and seem illogical to most of us. Yes, let’s talk about Bran the King… I don’t like this idea because it comes from nowhere: he never wanted to be king and now he says yes with a Schwarzenegger alike one-liner:

Also who proposes Bran as king? A prisoner ladies and gentleman ? And who is the last person he saw as a potential good king/queen? I don’t need to answer I guess. And as Bran knew the future all along and said nothing, I don’t know if it is wise to give him access to power (if there is a huge crisis in the future, will he try to prevent it?). Furthermore what is Bran’s argument to become king ? He has a good story. Yes, but Jon does too. And Arya. And Tormund. Why are they not king then ? The message behind this is: stories matter. But, let’s consider that prophecies are stories about to be written. Now let’s see the endings of the Stark characters: Jon, expected to be a hero and slayer of the NK = goes back to the Wall; Arya, destined to get revenge by killing Cercei = kills the NK and becomes an explorer
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "arya the explorer"
 Sansa, destined to marry a king and become a virtuous lady= queen in the North. Lots of endings are unexpected and Daenaerys’s case shows that a message of the season is: prophecies can be dangerous and illusive. But prophecies are stories about to be written. So they still matter ? It is a bit contradictory right ?
Let’s conclude: I think the season could have been better or at least less disliked with a few more episodes that could have prepared the concluding ideas of the series. The good ideas could have been executed differently and the result could have been less unappreciated. But this season got him. Episode 3 and 5 blew my mind and I was completely upside down after watching them. I was strongly implicated in this season (perhaps because of the previous ones) and even if there are some strong flaws in my opinion, I will watch again this season when I will do a GOT marathon. With GOT ends an era of pop culture. We know need to say goodbye. Get ready because SPIN-OFFS ARE COMING.
Let me know your opinion and see you later
Little question for you: Who is your favorite character ? What is your favorite moment of the series ?


  1. My poor friend, I am afraid you just started a war, be prepared because haters are coming...

  2. I am so disapointed as well, I suppose our expectations were too high… At first I was so hyped for the season, then my hype turned into denial and for the finale I was so bitter. I agree with you on everything. HBO proposed to pay for 10 good épisodes for the last season but Dumb & Dumber (the showrunners) rejected it as if things weren't already rushed enough. Also everything about Jon Snow's super secret parentage is only used to drive Daenerys deeper in her madness "wE kInDa fOrGoT aBoUT jOn bEiNg a TArGarYen". Bran being king isn't such a bad idea as his rule will be more for the people than to serve his personal interests but the guy did nothing since season 8 started and as a character who was left out the entire 5th season how can u say "who has a better story than Bran the Broken?" bruuuh... "The Broken" made me cringe so hard.

  3. I just wanted to say that the reason I didn't read this article is because I guessed there would be some spoilers, and I haven't seen GOT yet, so I don't want any spoilers.
    But I'm pretty sure it was something good, thanks

  4. Is it normal that I never watched this series but I was interested to know the ending, so I went (by myself) read some articles about it ?

  5. That's weird because I have never seen a single episode of GOT but I still appreciate the article ( even though I obviously did not udertsand everything )
