Saturday, December 08, 2018

How does Art heal you from stress?

Your heart beats faster, and faster. You cannot breathe, anymore. You can barely see the outside world. You want to escape, far away from this place. Now, silence is your only hope. Are you stressed? 

Do not worry. Art helps you relax, maybe you should try it sometime. Current medical studies show how stress negatively impacts health, compromising our body systems, and leaving us more vulnerable to diseases. Fortunately, many techniques can be used to release your stress, but the most efficient one is the art therapy. Art has a positive influence on your mind, you can use your creative side and drawing skills to reduce your stress and get in touch with your feelings. Perhaps, we should all spend at least a few minutes a day to release our emotions onto the page. Draw whatever is stressing you out, creating a visual equivalent of what you’re facing is an efficient way to distract yourself from negative thoughts, and clear and fill your mind with positivity. But remember, it is normal to want to be good at drawing, but you need to detach your mental from your emotions. Start by drawing random things if you are not up to it, you’re only drawing for the fun of it, nobody will get to see it. Then, get this feeling inside you and let your emotions control you! 

              ART THERAPY

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