Sunday, December 09, 2018

My Journée Défense et Citoyenneté

Hello hello! 
This report aims at provoking a total immersion in my 'Journée Défense et Citoyenneté', in the heart of the French army, enabling you to live this memorable experience through my eyes. 

The barracks Audeoud

The victuals

The 'chemise' and the 'zappette' used during the French test

Extract of the French test

I'm a citizen now
I hope you feel as enriched as I did at the end of this day, filled with emotions, savours and knowledge.
See you


  1. I must admit that, to me, time was stretched during the day. I honestly could not see the end of it. Still, it is true that I have learn a lot there (and I do not think I am the only one) thus it is true that we need a day (or a certain amount of time) like this to educates the next generations about the army and our country, even if I believe it could be reorganised to be more efficient.

    1. My article was pretty ironic, so yes of course I agree with you, nobody wants to stay in such a place for nine hours, watching videos about the French army and how great it is, (in order to encourage us to enter the navy or whatever). However even though the information they transmit to us may seem superficial, superfluous, and annoying, I think the French test organised here is actually a good idea, and that a sense of citizenship can be important to transmit, but is the jdc really useful when it comes to feeling a sense of belonging and citizenship to your country? I'm not that convinced
