Monday, October 29, 2018

One of the most beautiful landscapes...

I hope that your holiday is going great!
Today, I'd like to share with you a little part of my trip in France and Switzerland.
Here is the most beautiful landscape I've ever seen in my life! There are three pictures because besides it's beautiful, it's a 360° panorama!
I let you glance at the photos and I explain just below:

The summit of the Chasseron, in Switzerland, at an altitude of 1607 meters.  In the background, the Alps: the first mount on the right side is the Mont-Blanc. You can find lake Neuchâtel on the left side, in the valley, but you can't see lake Leman on the right because there is a sea of clouds.

Here and below, there is the view towards Swiss border and France, more precisely towards Franche-Comté.

I was in Pontarlier, Franche-Comté (or in the Haut-Doubs if you prefer 😄) and I decided to go to the Swiss side and ride my bike to the Chasseron, a mountain where a mountain bike race (Coupe du Chasseron) which is quite popular there, takes place each year. I couldn't do the same path than the racers because it's too tiring but I managed to reach the summit and I have to say to you that if you want to see it with your own eyes, you'll suffer a lot because it's very difficult if you don't cheat and dare to start from the bottom of the mountain with a bike or just with your feet instead of going there with a car and just walk or ride the last meters to the summit!
Indeed, we took two hours from the bottom to the summit with our bikes, by the road with VERY rough climbs. But the reward is priceless, isn't it?


Obviously, rocks and downhills made our happiness!


  1. It looks amazing amandine , you definitely made me want to take a trip to switzerland ;)

    1. Maybe we should go there together!!! I'm glad to make you want to discover new things.

  2. The landscape is absolutely gorgeous ! You are very lucky to be there ! Was that the first time you went there ? I go every summer to a very remote place in the Jura mountains, near the French/Swiss border. The region is also amazing, with mountains everywhere !
    Do you do a lot on mountain bike rides ? I would love to be able to do that, but I would be very scared of falling !

    1. It was actually the fisrt time I went there. Where do you go exactly? It's really something that you should do if you have time! I ride my bike quite often because its one of my hobbies! I'm scared too when I'm riding and I fall a lot because sometimes it's quite difficult, but I enjoy the risk! And feelings are amazing! If you want to do it, you can, you just have to find motivation and people to teach you correctly. About falling, it's soooo painful but you laugh about it some time after!

  3. Beautiful landscap, I love Swizerland montaines, I'm going there every summer never get tired of it

  4. I don't enjoy riding a bike, but I have to say that the landscapes are wonderfully amazing and beautiful. I would also be very scared of falling, but I'm sure we laugh about it some time after as you said. You make me want to go there, thank you

    1. I'm happy if I'm convincing you that you should go there! Hopefully, we don't have the same hobbies! I won't blame you, I swear!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm probably (I AM) being repetitive but i swear :
    I mean the scenery is wonderful, I'm amazed!
    So you rode your bike all the way from the bottom to the top (and back down again!)! That's impressive! you had paths to go up? do you know the dénivelé? I've personally never tried climbing a mountain that steep on a mountain bike, I mean all the rocks on your path (scarryy) but I totally understand what you mean by the 'happiness' of going down, it's one of the thrills I myself enjoy on a road bike...
    PS: you're probably the first person to tag 'sport' on the blog, it's hilarious!!

  7. The worst thing about having international friend is having to cope with Swiss student showing you this kind of picture all the time... God I love Provence but Switzerland is an absolute dream... Also biking down mountains is so awesome, I hope I can try it one day!
