Monday, October 01, 2018


Hi there charlie

I won’t keep you waiting longer. Here’s what i’m gonna talk about :  I chose to talk about a website named « genius » some of you may already know what it is but I hope some won’t so I will make you discover it.

Genius is a website which publish lyrics of songs. I really like this website because first of all it looks really good the homepage is very well made it looks clean and is easy to use.

The only thing you have to do when you look up for lyrics is just scroll down until you see “genius” and then click on it you’ll then have your lyrics it’s that easy. I personally use it a lot and I think it is really reliable. They have the lyrics of a lot of songs so if you don’t find the ones you’re looking for it must be a really REALLY specific song.

But lyrics are not the only thing you can find on this website you can also find exclusive interviews of a lot of singers rappers and others. Those interviews are also on their youtube channel so if you’re more of a youtube person than a google person you can watch them on there. They also have got an app (which I used to have but deleted some time ago like a lot of others app because my phone was out of storage ).

If you use spotify you may also have noticed that sometimes you have this thing called “behind the lyrics“ appearing on the usual “pic of the song” it is genius which collaborated with spotify. This is a mix of the lyrics and of what the singer said during his interview with genius to let people know a bit more about the song even if they’re not looking up.

Genius also does translations so if you listen to any foreign songs like kpop (which I do ) you can find the lyrics written in korean or the romanization (which is the  original language but written with our letters )and of course the translation because who doesn’t like to know at least what the song your listening to is about.

I may not have explain well so if you have any question don’t hesitate to ask ^-^

And I hope that from now on you’ll try to use this website when you’re looking for lyrics!

update: they happen to have poetry too on their website which is not actually that surprising but really cool! 


  1. Hi! I already use genius, but thanks for this interesting article, this app/website is really useful and more people should know about it. Plus, I didn’t knew it could translate!

    1. oh then I'm happy I made you discover another side of genius

  2. I use genius most of the time when I am looking for lyrics ! And I like reading people's interpretations of the lyrics, it can be very interesting but most of the time it's just very funny :)

  3. I use genius most of the time when I am looking for lyrics ! And I like reading people's interpretations of the lyrics, it can be very interesting but most of the time it's just very funny :)

  4. I don't use genius but I do watch their YouTube videos , the interviews of the singers trying to explain their lyrics , it's really interesting but now thanks to you I'm going to use genius , it seems quite helpful :)
