Saturday, September 29, 2018

Interview about environment

 Hello! For my first article on the blog, I have chosen today to interview the vice president of 'Go Zéro Déchet Pontarlier'. His name's Bertrand Dornier. The purpose of the members of the association is to protect the environment: they lead some actions in Pontarlier, a town in Jura.

Me: Hello Bertrand! How is your association born?

Bertrand Dornier: Well... Once, a young woman was walking in the street and there was a wasteland full of wastes just near her. Seeing it like this made her react and she decided to clean up this place. So, she posted a message on Facebook and asked for some help. They were four or five and recolted about eighty kilograms of wastes! When I saw that young people were trying to make our environment better and that I was not, I decided to act too. I met Elena, the girl who cleaned up, and we founded our association a month ago. Now, she's the president and I am the vice president.

Me: What type of actions do you lead with your team?

B.D.: When we founded the association, I said myself that it could be useful to make tobbaconist's and supermarkets sensitive about ecology and environment because they are the sources of our wastes.
We also organize waste collections with volunteer people, we try to make them sensitive about water pollution, wastes and cigarette ends too, about batteries because when they are incinerated it repands a lot of nocive substances, and finally we negociate with our town council to have more ashtrays in the town for example.

Me: What is adopting an eco-friendly behaviour important in?

B.D: It's really important because it's always better if we don't produce useless wastes and if we limit incineration! For example when you're eco-friendly, you would prefer to buy glass bottles instead of plastic bottles. And glass is 100% recyclable! We have to think that all the plastic we buy is incinerated one day.

Me: According to you, what's the biggest scourge that we have to eradicate first?

B.D.: Plastic!! Plastic's the biggest scourge! Because of this, we now have 'plastic oceans'! And also air pollution, It counts a lot on today's climate change.

Me: What should we change in our everyday life to take care of the environment?

B.D.: First, you should close the tap when you brush your teeth.  Then, you should take showers instead of baths everyday, because for each bath you spend between two and three hundred liters of water! It's huge! Finally, you should pay attention to electricity, for example light in the rooms,... and obviously you try to limit your wastes.

Me: Thank you so much!

B.D.: You're welcome! 

On the 22nd of September, they made a waste collection, and there is a video in french about it. In it, they talk about cigarette ends, plastic,.. It's very interesting! Here is the link:

Thanks to Bertrand, who took a lot of time to answer all my questions and to 'Go Zéro Déchet Pontarlier' for their involvment.

I'm sorry if there are some english mistakes in my article, I did my best!😊


  1. That's an article I expected to find here soon, I relly liked it. You were right, the interview is a good idea and the environment is a great subject to so congratulations Amandine ^^, great article

  2. It's so great you managed to get an interview ! Cool article, and (doing some advertising work here myself) if you're really interested in the environment you should check out the awareness club if you haven't already !
