Sunday, December 04, 2016

7,300 days - Isabella Mente

Hello, hello!

Once again I'll write an article about a book i strongly advise you to read!
I don't know if you've noticed but most of my articles are focus on book/movie (...) recommendations. Anyway, it is true that when something really please me and touch me I feel the need either to keep it to myself or in contrary to share it with every single person that comes talk to me. I know, it is very contradictory and the 2nd option can be a bit scary (imagine someone saying "hi" and me directly talking about what I just experienced). 
With the blog I have the oppotunity to share what I've loved without (always) looking like a freak, so there it is: an article about my very last book obsession.

7, 300 days is poetry book written by Isabella Mente, a 20 year old american girl I discovered on instagram one year ago. She is a very creative person with a thoughtful and open mind. She is mainly present on internet with her blog, instagram account or even youtube channel, where she expresses her ideas on "mindfulness (...) veganism (...) sexuality, love, self-empowerment, feminity, mental health, and other themes" (description of her work found in the book, which I found very relevant).
Indeed, the book expresses her ideas and perspective on life through the 20 years she has been on earth. It is autobiographical and she tries to make the reader reflect on his/her life by talking about her experiences.
That's for the content, which is according to me very captivating.
What is even more powerful in this book, is the way she writes: in a modern poetic form. She mixes prose and verse poetry, uses strong images and especially enjambments (these enjambments are EVERYTHING)... 
The way it is written makes the book difficult to leave and catch every little part of your soul (I AM NOT EXAGGERATING GUYS). 

First, I bought it because I loved her photos, videos and articles, but to be honest I wasn't sure what to expect and I have to say I have been really nicely surprised. According to me, this book is a lovely modern piece of art. When I find little things like this book, it makes me feel good about our generation, you know what I mean? This generation that people might see as bored and materialistic (which is true sometimes), is also the generation that integrates history and life and continues, as many people before us, to make it striking, to make it art.

I'll just give you some links if you are interested by her and her work:

(photo of Isabella that illustrates her blog)

It is useless to say that I more than strongly recommend it to you: IT IS A MUST READ GUYS!

I bought the book on amazon, because it is the only way to get it, so here is the link: 
If you don't want to buy it and you know me more or less you can ask me to lend it to you!

Bye xxx



  1. I had never heard of her! Well, until you mentioned it (many times haha <3):D It seems very good and very sensitive. Can you lend it to me? ^^ Her pictures are beautiful. Her work (and herself) seem(s) very interesting! Thank you for sharing it!!! It's always great to find some new inspiring stuff :)

    1. Ahah, i know you heard me talk about her often these days! Of course I'll lend it to you (see with Tara after she reads it because I am giving it to her on Monday) ;) I am glad you liked it <3

  2. I wanna read this book so much !!! thanks for sharing !!!!

  3. Thank you for your article, It's so great to have the opportunity to share what we've liked with the all section. I had never heard of this book but your description really made me want to read it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing Juliette, always there to make us discover new interesting things ! I'll see if I can buy it, it's poetry after all.. and at least it's not John Donne's haha

    1. Your comment is sweet <3 I am 100% Donne Manon!

  5. And now I'm dying to read it... Thanks for your article, it was great, I will go check some of the author's work as soon as I can ! ^^
