Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Malcolm X's movie

Hello Charlie,

During the hollidays I watched the movie Malcolm X.
And do you want to know someting ? I love it !
It's true that I am really interested about the segregation in America and I'm feeling concerned about that because of my origin, and the fact that my mother is white and my father is black.
 (I'm so proud of that)!
I liked this movie about Malcolm X because it is like a biographie of his life. And his life is far from common.
Even at the begining of his life, he looks like a charismatic and a wild person.
His name was at the beginning Malcolm Little.

Macolm  and his best frien Shorty

He was a delinquent. He schamed regularly to get money. He became a gangster with Shorty. He burgled with him and his white girlfriend a rich white couple's house. They were arrested and sentenced for 8 to 10 years of prison. 

At prison, he met Baines who tried to help him to stop his addiction to cocaine but Malcolm was a son of a priest and was suspicious of Baines because of his faith in Islam. But day after day, Malcolm find his faith in Islam because of a sentence of Baines "In Islam, God is black". 
He began to think about how God was represented, and he noticed that God was always represented like a white person in Christian religion. He began to ask to himself "Why God could not be black ?".
He became muslim definitivly because of a letter of Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the "Nation of Islam". Elijah Muhammad said to Malcolm  "I went to give you something that nobody can take out of you : the feeling of your own value". 
Malcolm changed his last name because he thought that it looked like a slave name. He chose the letter X because we use this letter in mathematics to designate an unknown number.
He became then Malcolm X.

Malcolm X on the left, Baines on the right.

Malcolm X became an important Imam.
At the beginning his speech was pretty radical. He believed that black and white people could not live together. And it will be an obligation that Blacks or Whites should be stronger than the other group. He was totally in opposition with Martin Luther King, who was christian and fighted for the union of black and white people.
At the end of his life, he was surprised and amazed by the welcom of Arabs during his pilgrimage to La Mecque. He realised then that everybody can live together, and there is no differences between populations. His ideas began to become like his erstwhile "enemy" Martin Luther King, who lamented a lot Malcolm X's death.

Malcolm X at La Mecque

He Married a woman, Betty Shabazz who believed a lot in his husband's conviction and fight.

His wife

The actress who act his wife

Two of his children

He was murdered during one of his speech, after a conflit with Elijah Muhammad and his demission in the "Nation of Islam".

One of his speech

His funeral

Malcolm X is such a great movie that everybody should watch (and watch again if you ever did it).

Thanks for reading.
Be yourself,


  1. This man deserve lots of respect. Rest In Peace Malcom.

  2. I have never watched this movie but it looks cool.... You made me want to watch it!!!
    And I like your pictures, they are so classy in black and white!!!
    Thanks for this interesting topic and I absolutely agree with your message: "be yourself"!!!
