How to become a typical French dad on a Sunday.
This article is dedicated to the most typical French dad on a Sunday: my father.
You want to be a French dad on Sundays? You want to be the best french dad ever each sunday? Then you should follow my tips to become THE french dad of all time. Just to be clear, my tips can only apply on Sundays.
First, the outfit:
Your favourite sport t-shirt, the dirtier the better
Cargo shorts with your whole life in your pockets
A belt where you can put money in
A pair of crocs or flip flops
An apron for the barbecue
A cap or a hat to protect your balding head from the sun
A beer
At least one construction item
Glasses because now that you're a dad you lost a generous amount of good vision
A barbecue
A watch so your steaks will never be overcooked
If you followed everything you should look like this:
Now, how to act:
You can look like a sunday dad but do you know how to act like a sunday dad?
First, your only goals for the day will either be taking care of the barbecue, building something, taking a nap or playing online chess very angrily and childishly. Never do something else!!! Sundays are not days to be cultivated!
You are allowed to go out of your house only if it's to go buy some more equipment for your latest build. (You are also allowed to go get some croissants for your daughter at the bakery in the morning)
Also, never more than 6 hours for your nap, you might burn your steaks in the barbecue, don't forget to use your watch in alarm mode!
If you want to drink something else than beer, you can drink tea but only in the ugliest mug you can find.
If your sunday dad friends want to invite you for something, it will surely be golf, don’t forget to wear your hat and ride your golf buggy as if you were Vin Diesel in Fast&Furious, otherwise you will lose sunday dad points :( …
(Honestly Vin Diesel is kind of a typical french dad on a sunday in Fast&Furious)
Of course to be the ultimate typical french dad on a sunday you need to know around ten eXtReMeLy gOoD dad jokes to repeat endlessly during the whole day. Don't have mercy for your family, they deserve to endure this.
I would suggest you read this to be prepared:
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