Monday, September 20, 2021

digital art one of my hobbies

 Hello Charlie! I'm going to talk about digital art and why it's one of my hobbies

Digital art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. The first use of the term digital art was in the early 1980s when computer engineers devised a paint program that was used by the pioneering digital artist Harold Cohen. This became known as AARON, a robotic machine designed to make large drawings on sheets of paper placed on the floor, and so digital art slowly emerged in the late 1980s with the introduction of personal computers or now called pc. but the "digital painting" which is my hobby emerged after the term digital art was used.

                                                   One of the artworks I made for fun.

The first digital painting program was an early commercial that allowed users to design, draw and manipulate objects it was the program MacPaint.this program's first version was introduced on January 22, 1984. the ability to freehand draw and create graphics with this program made it the top of its kind during 1984.

                                          my latest painting I drew.

People often argue about if digital art is real art but I believe that traditional art and digital art are both things that take time, effort, and practice to make and learn but if it's considered real art I cannot give a straight answer. people argue that the "undo" button which can undo an action you have done can be considered as cheating and makes digital art too easy but that I believe is a misconception.

One of the biggest disadvantages of digital art is that you cant get a physical and original copy of it like traditional art so the texture and the graphics might not look as good as on the computer, however, it is an exception if you can afford expensive graphic printers.

The advantages of digital art are I believe the number of tools and "cheats" if you want to call them ex: the shape button to make circles just by dragging your pen/mouse makes digital art easier for beginners nowadays because technology is more and more becoming a part of our daily lives so people might just know how to use some digital art programs right from the beginning.
one of the biggest advantages of digital art is that you can do it anywhere by bringing your electronics and you don't need all the painting equipment used for traditional art.

So I recommend you who are reading this blog to try digital art and some apps I can recommend that are free to download are "medibang paint" and "Krita" and I hereby thank you for reading my first blog and if you find it interesting to like it and leave a comment :)
and that's the end of my first blog.


1 comment:

  1. Okay you taught me so much, I had no idea about any of this, and I think that digital art is in fact « real art », who cares what material you’re using to create art? Anyways, I will try out the apps that you recommended, even though I have absolutely no skill in drawing
