Sunday, May 23, 2021

The power of a "I Love You"

Tell yourself "I love you"

When was the last time you told yourself "I love you"? 

Did you even mean it? Don't feel guilty!

No one has ever taught us to express it this way.

So stop immediately what you are doing, look at yourself and take the time to tell yourself "I love you".

Tell "I love you" to your loved ones

We don't say "I love you" enough. We don't hear "I love you" enough. 

Maybe we are afraid to say it these days.

However, sometimes it can be an automatic reflex as we would say :

"How You Doin' ?" , but without measuring it.

Saying "I love you" is meaning 

"I care for you, you are in my heart  and you can count on me".

It is coming straight from the heart and it is not to accompany a simple sentence.

So even though it can seem silly, share you love.

Nothing bad can happen to you if you spread it.

These are words your loved ones need to hear.

Don't keep a "I love you" quiet

Bronnie Ware, in her book The Top Five Regrets of Dying,

explains that when she was a nurse, a palliative carer,

she often heard men and women's confessions.

They blamed themselves for having been too scared.

They blamed themselves for not having dared to say "I love you".

Yes, confessing our feelings can be terrifying but,

aren't regrets worse?


  1. I think this article should be read by much more people because it's true some people are too scared to say it and don't hear it enough. Of course before saying it to people you should also tell yourself that you love you. People so underrate self-love but it's so important in our daily life. Then, you can think about the other and tell them and not regret it, so I totally understand what you have wrote!

  2. Really it's a superb article.
    I mean, I do relate because sometimes event though I try to show affection for someone I don't dare to say "I love you"... And it's a shame !
    We must unlearn some things and start expressing our emotions.

  3. Saying "I love you" to my loved ones is very easy for me, but saying it to myself isn't, even though I gained a lot of confidence and self-love last year, I am still working on myself to fix it, but it's very difficult.
    Love yourself guys, it's so important and it truly impacts your happiness if you don't.
    You can't escape yourself, but you can learn to love and respect yourself.
    We are all amazing people :)
