Thursday, December 20, 2018

Christmas songs

Hey there!

Most people are know are absolutely obsessed with Christmas carols, and I don't know about you Charlie, but we're the 20th of December and I'm already done with all this Mariah Carey and co.

Since music is the only thing I kind of know, I've decided to try and fight the overflow of classic Christmas carols that's been happening since Dec 1st. Now I know I have no way of escaping them, especially with being in the OIB, but I just hope that I'm not the only one who dislikes the traditional Christmas songs. Following this strong fed-upness, I've collected all the Christmas-related songs I know and the ones that nice Spotify made me discover to create a rock n' roll-ey Christmas playlist. Here's the link! : Don't worry, I still put some classics like Let it snow (probably just because I like Frank Sinatra but oh well).

Hope that some of you'll enjoy!
Sib 🎅

PS : Santa likes the playlist, and she's named Santa so I think her opinion is more valid than all of ours regarding Christmas songs


  1. Hi!Is there any chance of putting this list on YouTube or something similar? Some great songs on there and others I'm looking forward to discovering! Sorry to be so difficult!

    1. Sure! Here's the link :

    2. Cheers and Merry Christmas !

  2. Hi ! I will definitely use this playlist during December because I get uninterested very fast by traditional Christmas songs when I hear them too much, so thank you !
