Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Why The Last of us is one of the best game ever.

Hi Charlie! 

For my first article on the blog, I chose to talk about my favorite video game. So first, I’m going to explain why I picked this game, explain the plot (without any spoilers of course), then I’ll explain why it is realistic. After that, I will  explain why so much people appreciate this game and I’ll end this article by saying why it is so important to me and why you (yes you, reading this) should totally play it (but please do your homework before playing video games☺)!

Disclaimer: this video game is really scary and brutal, I don’t recommend it to people who are easily scared or shocked.

We should all write about things we like, and things other people will enjoy reading. That’s why I chose to talk about The Last of us (which is my absolute favorite game of all time), not only because I love it, but because I think other people will like it (maybe not as much as i do, but they will at least enjoy playing it).

The first scene is in 2013 in the United States, and starts with the main character Joel and his daughter, Sarah. Joel’s brother send him a strange message, and we soon understand that a virus made people go mad and cannibal. 
The game is set 20 years later, Joel became a smuggler and work with his friend Tess, when Marlene, a leader of a community named “Fireflies” ask them to smuggle a teenage girl, Ellie, who has an enormous secret. 

This scenario is completely realistic because what made people “zombies” in this game is a fungus called Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, which really exist. Here’s the link to the (short) YouTube video explaining why a zombie invasion will probably happen in the future : https://youtu.be/baOlT-1yY4A 

The Last of us is the third best selling PlayStation 3 game, and one of the most awarded in history, because it won over 240 “Game Of the year”.
Then why is it so much appreciated? 
Mostly because of the awesome graphics, which were the most realistic ones back in 2013, but if now there’s games with better graphics, they are still incredibly good. 
The plot is also really good for a zombie video game (because this theme is used in so many books, movies and tv shows it became kind of... boring?), because they managed to made it a bit different to other stories in the same genre. Indeed, it is not only violent, but fort of all, it is really emotional, because of the whole story behind all characters, the well written scripts, and all of the different adventures they go through.

This game and all of its characters means a lot to me ( I literally re-started playing it more then 10 times after I finished it) because I am amazed by how the graphics are realistic, how the story is touching even though it is based on zombies. I recommend it to people who like playing games with a well written story with multiple implicit and explicit meanings, or even people who never played video games before, but who would like to start with a awesome game.

I hope you liked to read this article as much as I liked writing it (and if you’re reading this, thank you for reading everything I wrote, I know it’s kind of long but it was impossible of make it shorter)!



  1. ONE OR THE BEST VIDEO GAMES unfortunately I've never played so I guess I'm going to buy it . Also I recommend you to play the old assassin's creed.

  2. Looking forward to the next one! If only I had time to play it...

  3. I agree, The Last Of Us is an awesome game. I never played it but I watched the Let’s plays and the graphics are magnificent, the story is incredible and the gameplay seems very cool. I haven’t finished watching the second one but both games are amazing. I find it very interesting to play characters in the future. The plot can seem unoriginal but really, it’s actually awesome and clever.
