Wednesday, October 03, 2018


                                               90's FILMS


Hi there ! So this is my first blog article and I'm so excited to post more blog articles in the future , so my topic is about the 90 's films , I'm very fond of them and you will see why because I'm pretty sure you know them but there's one thing , I'm truely sorry If I didn't mention films that are for you worth mentionning , I didn't watch all the 90's films so I would be pleased if you could recommend me some films that you fond of  found intreseting ;)

Firstly , the movie that watched over and over again when I was little is of course" home alone 1 "it's the story of the McCallisters rushing to the airport to have the christmas in paris but when they get on the plane , Peter and Kate , kevin's parents realize that they  forgot him , he's only eight years old and have the house for himself alone , first he panicks then enjoys the fact that he has a big beautiful house to himself . It's a must-see sweet and funny film and I loved it because it has a christmas vibe to it , it's very cosy and you just feel happy watching it .
maman j'ai raté l'avion
then there's Pulp Fiction , an amazing film with John Travolta , Samuel L .Jackson , Bruce Willis  and Huma Thurman .It's about two hit men who try to retrieve a stolen suitcase from their employer , A paid boxer to lose his fight etc , It's about  unexpected and unrelated people that form comedy events and some horrific consequences . IT's very special but you'll realize how great it is when you see it .

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The last one is " You've got mail " with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan , It's a funny love story about the owner of a big bookstore putting out the local small bookstore that happens to be the women that he was emailing , they both don't know in real life who is the person that they're emailing and the way you found out is so emotional , I cried watching it hahaha , It's such a touching and funny film and you can really see the beauty of New York showed in it  .

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "you have a message film"
I hope you enjoyed reading my article , tell me about films that you think are intresting , I will be publishing some articles often so I hope I will get a better writing , see you next time ;) 


  1. Home alone 1 is my favorite, 90's films are really interesting, most of them are.
    I recommend you Sream 1 & 2, If you're not too sensitive and if you haven't seen it yet:
    watch it.

    1. I saw scream 1 and never had the courage to watch the second one, I probably should haha , thanks my friend and hope you're having fun with us :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. loved your article , it is true that we saw home alone 1 at least 50 times hahahah

  2. I really think Pulp fiction is one of the best films ever done. You've got mail looks great, I love Tom Hanks! Thanks for the recommandations Maroua (:

    1. I love tom hanks too ! He's amazing , you're welcome ;)

  3. I watched Pulp Fiction 2 days ago and... I think this movie is overrated. I found it good, it's well made and interesting, I particularly enjoyed the third part. I now understand the whole aesthetic that this movie spread, especially with the character of Mia Wallace (it reminded me of a girl I know (not the drug part, don't worry), it's amusing). So yeah, okay, that's great but I didn't think "Wow, this movie is amazing" after finishing it nor when seeing any part of it. That's why I'm a bit disappointed and now think that this movie is a bit overrated.
