Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Ilymun 2017

Hi Charlie,So two months ago, 10 Oib students (Carla, Amandine, Raphael, Killian, Sacha, Juliette, Nadja, Ajna, Tara, I) went to Lyon accompanied by our history and geography teacher, M. Lévêque.The reason we went to Lyon wasn't for tourism (even if we had the chance to visit a little bit!) It was to participate in the IlYMUN conference. This Model of the United Nation had for main theme « Humanities in a constantly evolving world ». Personally, I was in the resource management committee, representing the delegation of Chile. The subject we debated were really interesting as they are real actual issues like managing the issue of brain drain, food distribution or ocean resources. I think all the delegate represented well their country’s position on the issues (sometimes a bit too much ahah). So this conference was really enriching intellectually because of the constant debating and negotiating, but also socially because of the numerous exchanges between students from all around France and foreign countries!


  1. What a great experience it was! I really had fun and it was very impressive to see people's argmentative skills and culture! It was great and I recommand to every OIB to get the opportunity to do it :)

  2. This was amazing! I was really scared at first but once you know the rules, you really can have fun! And Lyon is a beautiful city as well,so like Juliet, I would recommend all of you to go! ^^

  3. Completely forgot to post an article :x

    Truly it was an amazing experience, I learnt so much there... If anyone is interested, go to the GDMUN in Luynes, or go to next year's session. Or just come to the club! If you have any interest in diplomacy, it could be an awesome training.

  4. It must have been amazing ! It seems a bit scary though, talking about great problems and quesitons like this in front of such an audience, it seems cool but quite stressful. But I guess you had a lot of fun, so maybe it is not that terrible !

  5. Wow! That must have been great! I already wanted to integrate the debate club and with your post, I want to join it even more! I really like debating with clever arguments, and especially on actual problems and difficult situations! And being in that event must say that everyone there was motivated! How nice shalll have it been! How many people were you there?
    I've just looked at their website and it seems to be so interresting! Even made by students for students!
    I really think that the UN is something great but that needs to be a bit changed for some things, like for their Security Council, that is interresting, but sometimes not efficient enough, and thus not really able to manage the different problems we're facing nowadays...
    But maybe it is by worrying about our planet, and by taking part into things like the Ilymun that our generation will be able to update things! We'll see...
    But anyway, great article! Thanks for what it made me discover!
