Thursday, February 02, 2017

Ted Talk

Hi Charlie !

So these days I like to watch Ted Talks and  I came upon this video :

Sal Khan has created a website you may know : Khan academy, that offers courses and exercises on a lot of subjects (mostly maths but not only)- in English but also in French, and it's free.
I thought that this video was interesting and very inspiring, because we are taught that school is only for learning, not for the grades but in the end it often ends up in stress because of grades, and the concept of "mastery" is completely lost.

What do you think of this video ? If you could change something in the educational system what would you do ?


  1. I also very muched enjoyed the video! It's very interesting!

    And well although I will remain brief, I would try and make so that the school system was based more apon indeviduals and what they enjoy, try and be less general. This of course would be quite hard to accomplish logistically, so it remains an idea and no more.

  2. I agree with you that the notion of "mastery" is lost whereas students are more and more stressed. I would like to change the amount of homework and timetables.

  3. Well that was an interesting video. He brings up a good point. However if every teacher had to spend more time on every individual so that they can master the subject it would take too much time. Even though it is a good idea, I think that to put such a thing in place would be too hard. Every teacher tells us that grades aren't the most important but after all they are, because that is what universities and colleges will see of us and that is how they will judge us. So actually grades are in a way something that identifies us.

  4. I also watch Ted talks! There are so many interesting subjects from various themes, I would like to have the time to watch them all! I think this talk raises important issues concerning the educational system. However, to respond to those issues we should not always want to change the entire system. Making the stress of grades go away want really help them because in their grown-up lives they will have to face stressful moments. In some cases, educating pupils on how to manage stress should be more implemented in school programs.

    1. I agree with you, we can't change the entire system at a time, school problems are problems that we will face in life too, so we have to learn to deal with it. Nevertheless I think school should teach us how to deal with those life problems , as it sometimes is disconnected from what we live and this is why so much pupils don't take interest in it

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I loooove Ted Talks!!! Loredana made me discover it in 2nd and I watch some when I have the time :)
    I used to think that our educational system in France was good, but when I entered the OIB section and so try a "new system" it felt better! So I would say that we need to focus way less on grades (even though they are important) and try to not be scared of the failures.
