Sunday, January 08, 2017

Kia ora Charlie!

This is my first article on the blog, and because I am in New-Zealand and it is currently school holidays, I have the time to tell you about my awesome temporary migration to the other side of the world, literally!

It all started on the 28th of December 2016, a pretty beautiful day in my hometown, Marseille(s). On that day my family and I took a first airplane to London where we stayed just enough time for us to change plane, this time direction Hong-Kong our first stop. The flight was very long but overnight English time, which means we arrived with nine hours of difference around 3pm in this alien city. Luckily most of the Cantonese texts were translated. The only time where it was difficult was when we went to a restaurant where no one spoke English we couldn't understand what we were eating!

this was the menu...

So we stayed in China for 3 days, we spend new years eve there and had wonderful fireworks. Hong-Kong was very crowded, there were people everywhere, both Asian and European. But apart from that, it was very exotic in many ways.
On new year's day we left the northern hemisphere on an other flight 7 hours this time (not good for the planet I know) to Australia and more precisely Brisbane the third biggest city in the country. Getting out of the airport was a shock, it was just so hot and humid! Everyone was wearing shorts and sandals. So we spent 5 days in this tropical weather often going in the hot Pacific for a swim. Australians were very nice calling us "mate" and "darling" all the time. We even went to visit a koala sanctuary full of koala's (obviously) and kangaroo's and all sort of typical Australian animals. The kangaroo's were everywhere and you could feed and touch them as much as you wished. The koalas where really cute.

A little reluctantly, but also looking forward to discovering New-Zealand, we left the sun and heat of Brisbane and Australia.

And I will tell you more about my "adventures" later!
P.S Currently I am at UTC+12:00 so you only have to change p.m to a.m or a.m to p.m to know what time it is in New Zealand!

kite wawe koutou Charlie!

*see you soon Charlie


  1. First of all, bravo for not being dead during the trip, I personally couldn't have cope with such a long trip.

    Hope you enjoy your stay (grrr), and if you see (by any chance) some of the landscapes that Peter Jackson used to shoot The Hobbit and The Lord of the Ring trilogies, please send us pictures *^*.

    1. Thanks!
      I am going to see some landscapes peter Jackson used for the films!!! I'm really looking forward to that.
      And I'll make sure to take plenty of pictures!

  2. Waah you're so lucky to be in holidays right now ;;
    I truly hope that everything's gonna be fine there and it was good to hear some news from you!

    1. (Ha ha) Yes I quite like it being in holidays :p.
      Well everything is going really very super good so it's good!
      Thank you

  3. Enjoooooy ! I have an important question to ask : do you find koalas or kangaroos softer to pet ?

    1. Well, kangaroos have shorter hair so they aren't as woolly as the koala. I found koalas softer :)

  4. I wish I were you right now, on holiday! I hope you have an amazing time in New Zealand ;) kite wawe koutou

    1. Yeah well I can't hide that I'm really enjoying my stay!
      I'll probably see you all in September, with a slight kiwi accent!

  5. What a trip! I think we're all happy to be hearing from you and will certainly forgive you about those flights hurting our planet. Though, its only by a forced indulgence that I'll personnally forgive you for being appreciating the sun while we're struggling with our lovely mistral.. Anyway, hope you'll have a good time during your holidays ^^

    1. It's very nice of you to try and forgive me :). Hope you don't have a too bad time in Marseille!

  6. oh my god this is so cool ! I would love to go to China and Australia. Well, going in a country like China while you don't speak Chinese, it must have been disturbing. AND YOU SAW KANGAROOS THAT IT SO AMAZING !

  7. Awwww what a wonderful thing, you saw koalas!! One of my dreams is to visit Australia... but with a bike! You were so brave to eat in China without knowing what it was! I'm so sad I can't see the photos you put in your article....
