Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How to make moral machines?

Dear Charlie,

I found something that coukd interest some of you! You may have heard about driverless cars, which could soon be available. BUT! There are some issues about programming those how should the car react to a dangerous situation? Should it protect the driver or the pedestrians?

Well, the MIT gives you the chance to reflect on this, through a short survey presenting different dilemmas where you must choose who you will save. Then, you can compare you choices with other's...

I did it and it was really hard to do! (I felt baaad...:O)

And now, THINK! (because we don't think enough hahahahahahaha..................................)




  1. Ah yes, this is a wonderful test to show us how horrible we are ! I love it !

  2. Oh yeah, I saw Markiplier do this. But I think it doesn't really work with me... I don't know, it closes to too few possibilities, and I can't help but think about everything else the car could do.
