Monday, November 23, 2015

Old post "modified"

Hello Charlie,
My last article was about the Paris Attacks, and I am sorry I put a video with not very nice words in it...
So to make up for this, I have found a new video on the BBC:
Andrew Neil's message to those who attacked Paris
You have the link below and the video:



  1. Hi! it's too bad your previous video wad deleted! Although rude it was a strong message of derision and compassion which made me smile in spite of the attack on Paris...

  2. Hi! It's too bad your previous video was deleted! Although rude it was a strong message of compassion and derision which made me smile in spite of its dark topic

  3. Hi! It's too bad your previous video was deleted! Although rude it was a strong message of compassion and derision which made me smile in spite of its dark topic

  4. I love his way to pronounce French names. It sounds a bit like propaganda though
