Saturday, October 24, 2015

"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett

This story is set in Jackson Mississippi in the early 1960s.At that time in Missippi, African-American maids worked for white people and were often mistreated. Kathryn Stockett, a white woman from Mississippi, shows the tensions that existed between the women in her home town, Jackson. It mostly tells the story of a 22 year old universtiy graduate, Eugenia « Skeeter » Phelan, who has the dream of becoming a writer. She starts off, by writing for the Jackson newspaper, then chooses to write a book on something much more meaningful to her, about the maids of Jackson Mississipi with their point of view on having to work for white women.

She first finds two black maids Aibeleen and Minny, who are willing to help her with her book. Aibeleen is a quiet and reflective women, whom had recently lost her son. Minny is a fiesty and energetic women who has six kids, but has a rough husband who beats her once in a while. Both of them have known each other for a long time. They tell their breathtaking stories of having to work for white women and to raise white kids, all their lives. Then they help Skeeter find other maids to tell their stories for her book. They find 12 black maids who agreed to telling their stories.

In this book there are three first-person narrators: Aibeleen Clark, Minny Jackson and Skeeter Phelan. Aibeleen and Minny being two black women, they tell their stories in African American English, different from how Skeeter tells her stories. All their stories are fascinating and very interesting to read. Some will leave you bitter and make you tear up while others will leave a smile on your face. The book is written with much details to help you visualise the scenes.

This book is honestly my favrite book that I have read so far. It transmits a lot of emotion from sadness to happiness and laughter. I strongly recommende it to the ones who haven't read it and you sure won't be disappointed. This book has also won numerous awards and honors like the New York Times bestseller. It's an outstanding book that can't be left unread. 


  1. Was it Salomé who presented it to us at the beginning of last year? I still haven't read it though ^^'

    1. I think it was Manon... And the other day I was at "la Fnac " and I saw the book and I was like I need to read and I remembered that someone presented it last year..

    2. I did ^^
      It's a very good book, and a very good movie! You should definitely read/watch it! :)

      Thanks for this article ^^

  2. I knew for a long time that this book has already adapted to the big screen but I didn't know at all that Emma Stone (one of my favorite) had the leading role in it! I am definitely going to watch it but with your last sentence I feel like I have to read it first!

  3. I didn't know what to watch tonight but thank you very much ! I found lol. It looks very interesting !

  4. This book was really one of my favorite!! It makes me think a lot and feel a lot too
    Read it, you won't regret it!

  5. I've seen the movie at least twice and really liked the fact that it deals with a very serious subject, which is racism, with humor and a light tone. I think I'm going to read the book too !

  6. I wanted to read it but I had not that much of motivation but you gave me a lot of more reasons to read it so I will !

  7. The book looks great, I heard about the movie but I've never watched it... Thanks to you and your article, I'm gonna read it before watch it I think....
    Thankssssss!!!! ;)

  8. I personaly only watched the movie and it was perfect. I even cried at some point whereas I'm not an emotional person. I find the storyline meaningfull, moving and full of rebounds. As you said, it goes from sadness to laughter and happiness. Plus, the actors defend well their role, like, they play strong characters and they do it perfectly in my opinion. The movie even had lots of award and nomination especially for Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer who are amazing actress.
    Thanks to you, your article remaind me the felling made by the movie and that I definitely need to read that book.

  9. I personaly only watched the movie and it was perfect. I even cried at some point whereas I'm not an emotional person. I find the storyline meaningfull, moving and full of rebounds. As you said, it goes from sadness to laughter and happiness. Plus, the actors defend well their role, like, they play strong characters and they do it perfectly in my opinion. The movie even had lots of award and nomination especially for Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer who are amazing actress.
    Thanks to you, your article remaind me the felling made by the movie and that I definitely need to read that book.
