Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Breakfast at Tiffany's

           Hey Charlie ! 

    I wanted to talk to you about a great movie,one of my favorite movies actually  “Breakfast at Tiffany's” by Blake Edwards.

        I love this movie because Audrey Hepburn is in it, because the story is amazing, the dialogues are great, but also because I read this amazing book called ”Fifth Avenue, 5A.M” by Sam Wasson. In this book sam Wasson talks about all the genesis of the movie. How the duo Jurow and shepherd, two producers first had the idea to make a movie out of the book "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Truman Capote. How Audrey Hepburn started her career and why this role was one of the hardest for her. He also talks about life on the set of breakfast at Tiffany's and all the struggle they have been trough
      The movie is about a girl, who's not sure of who she is, she once was called Lulla-Mae , but now, she's Holly Golightly, a New Yorker. She wants to find a place like tiffany's where nothing bad can happen. When she has the mean reds she goes to Tiffany's. That's where the title comes from.The mean reds is a expression that Holly uses. She says it's worse than the blues she described "the mean reds" as a feeling of being afraid, yet not knowing what you are afraid of.         Audrey Hepburn is for me one of the greatest actress of all times. She really touches me, whenever I see her in a movie I understand her, and fell like her. She can make me smile and laugh, even both at the same time. She's great.      The movie takes place in New York (when I went there I went to the brownstone where she lives in the movie, funny story it was for sale) especially in the upper east side. In the movie, I think New York is one of the characters. I mean this city is really powerful and it's the magic of NewYork who inspired Truman in the first place, so I think we could all thank New York.
How can I talk about “Breakfast at tiffany's” without talking about the great music Henri Mancini wrote. The movie won an Oscar for this beautiful music. When Holly sits on her window and sings “Moon River” that's where you fall in love with her. 

If you like music, Audrey Hepburn, NewYork or if you are just curious you should definitely watch this movie. 

See you soon ! 



  1. I love this movie too! that makes me want to see it once again... :)

  2. I haven't seen it yet (shame on me), but I'll!!! :) Your article really made me want to watch it. :) I love Audrey Hepburn. The extract is just wonderful. :) Thanks for this article ^^

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  5. I've read the book but never seen the movie and I think I need to watch the movie as soon as possible..

  6. It was surprising seeing you posting about it :O no i'm kidding, you're always telling me about it and when you finally lent me the DVD it didn't work :(

  7. I've never seen it but you definitely made me want to :)

  8. I love this movie !! I've read the book too, and I have to say that I was absolutely not imaginating Holly like in the film ! To me, she was more looking like Marilyn Monroe (both have changed their names, had a difficult childhood and...have blond hairs !!)
