Sunday, November 24, 2019

Canadian experience

I’m sure you guys know but I’ve been in Canada for the last six weeks. In this article I am going to talk about the Canadian lifestyle.

 Firstly, food. Do I like poutine ? Hell yeah one of my favourite food. Do all Canadians like poutine ? Well, it’s not very healthy and very fattening but everyone knows where the best poutine place is : smokes, a fastfood like chain with a big variety (broccoli in poutine is a thing) and some nice hardrock in the background. I certainly would recommend the chain.

Speaking of Canadian food chains, I guess I should address Tim Hortons. According to some it changed as it became more Americanised and commercial so coffee, it’s first purpose is not even that good anymore. I didn’t personally give a try to their coffee but I can say their smoothies are really good.
Another thing to point out would be how Canadians eat early, they have dinner around 5, which we French students could not really do since we are lucky if we even finish school at 5.

The Canadian students finish school at 3 :15 and start at 9 :15. They have some courses like music or life management but also lot of clubs, so many that I didn’t even know where they were and when. On top of that, they have mandatory volunteering hours (I participated in a Christian youth groupe, and even as an atheist, I had lots of fun) and TIME for extra-scholar activities. Another thing in my school was the presence of a school television program composed and presented by the students (so quality is not that great but shh) playing every day on the second periode.
I also have to mention how the students are : the geeks are able to build miniature airplanes, the “cool kids” wear winter hats (it's very fun to look at).

But even with all these positive aspects they have a lot of homework and little vacation (and so many scholar and extra scholar activities wow). They have summer vacations, 2 weeks Christmas vacations, and some little days of here and there, a popular one is snow day, where the snow bloques the buses so school is optional for everyone.

I was lucky to experience snow so early, most people here are unhappy with it but snow in this amount is to unusual for me to complain. About the cold, a sweater is enough until -2° but I have to say covering your ears is very important and I would have never thought that I needed warmer trousers.

That's it for me Charlie



    Otherwise, great article, glad you had fun <3

    1. Guess I stand the cold better than you do

  2. Wow, Canadian culture looks so interesting! Happy you have discovered it. I think the best point of your article the fact class begins at 9:15 and finishes at 3:15.

  3. Omg that looks so beautiful, I love how you make the comparaisons very funny lol

  4. Thanks for this lively article which put a smile on my face. It's nice to remember how amazing travelling abroad can be.
