Thursday, February 21, 2019

I don't really know

I just wanted to say hello to everybody in the OIB including the new comers. I announce you that in two years you'll be able to quote Shakespeare as if you had done a whole thesis about him. Great, isn't it?
Hello to Miss Choffrut who is still struggling with correcting all your great (I hope #keypoint20) essays while wanting to take care of all you.
Hello to Mr Leah who is ( I am sure) still struggling with which writer will be his main man.
Hello to Mr Lévêque who is still struggling.... well I don't know for you Terminales, but he was struggling with us because of our lack of research (and work in general.... °_°)!

Okay, now is time to say goodbye. But, I don't like this word so I will just say,


  1. I like the twist at the end, saying hello is indeed far more better than saying a lousy goodbye
    C u

  2. hello Lisa ! Thank you for this so sweet article ! I am personally really anxious to know the day when I'll know Shakespeare as well as that because at the moment, it all just seems so... blurry...

    1. don't worry! it will come. it was blurry for me too but then I made it all clear and it worked :)
