Thursday, July 12, 2018

a Breakthrough.

Hey guys !

I hope your holidays are going well, and that you are happy with your bac results, premières and terminales !

Personally, I'm already blown away by two weeks of these summer holidays. I went last saturday to the Eurockéennes festival in Belfort, which took place in a beautiful site around a large lake. 

I went there to see Queens of the Stone Age live. If you don't already know them, they're a rock band from California. I've been listening to them for over a year and really studying what they did. There is a lot to listen to, as Joshua Homme {the majestic singer of the band} made several projects, like the superband Them Crooked Vultures — did you know this nomenclature ? I didn't, but it's great, and pretty self-explanatory, as it is composed of Josh Homme, Dave Grohl, Mark Lanegan, and many more.

Dave Grohl, former drummer of Nirvana, and Mark Lanegan are also featured on the Queens of the stone age's album Songs for the Deaf, along with Natasha Schneider, from the band Eleven. Songs for the Deaf should be the first album to listen to if you want to discover the band. One of their best albums in my opinion. 

Now, I think an other great way to discover Queens of the stone age is to actually watch the concert I've been to that's available on Youtube. (headphones or good sound system recommended!!). I think this gig really incarnates the quintessence of the band's spirit. They began and closed the concert in the best way possible, with the tunes 'Song for the deaf' and 'Song for the dead' (both from the 'Songs for the deaf' album. Ooops. Hope you're not being mixed up). These two songs are in my ultimate most favourite songs of all time. 

It was my very first rock concert, and one of the best concerts I've ever had. The musicians were glorious, without mentioning Josh and his deep and mesmerizing voice. 

 fun fact : in the video, if you listen closely to the cheers of the crowd , you can actually hear my own screams {that are very high-pitched. And also very numerous.}

Along with my screams, I also got to cry a lot. And to do a bit of both {especially when they just left at the end of Song for the dead. No encore. They were gone}. Crying and screaming simultaneously was a very complex experience. Everything I felt during this gig still has a vivid trace within my being, and I feel like this trace will never go. {Especially if I see them again. Which I have to.}
 So, since I was totally not up mentally to take pictures, my mom took them {and with my phone's camera, we wouldn't have caught anything, soooo....} Here are the mighty Queens of the Stone Age, brought to you by me.

The sight of drums and Jon Theodore made me excruciatingly happy.

The one and only. {during the drum solo in No One Knows.}

The Ending. I mean, they're not totally done yet, as the bass player behind Josh, Michael Shuman, (like the composer Schumann, but without the 'c') is still playing. fun fact n°2 : his headbangs with his sweat-curled hair were majestic. He drived me into cutting my hair as short as his. This is circa at this moment that I knew I was going to cry.

Oh, god, it's happening. he's leaving. no.
and here's the crying point.

here you see it all. partially, yea. but it's one of the best moments. Song for the dead, everybody.


  1. Great photos ! I have never really become a fan of QOTSA but I enjoyed the Them Crooked Vultures album (not their grammar ), love Mark Lanegan (particularly his duets with Isobel Campbell ), and know that Josh Homme has played with PJ Harvey and Arctic Monkeys. So I should give them another go! Did you see any other good groups in Belfort?

    1. Yes, on the same day there was also Juliette Armanet ! It was really nice, and it also made me cry, when she played "amour en solitaire". I really like what she does, I feel like it is a mix of Michel Bergé and France Gall's music.
