Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The soundtrack to my (and your?) quarantine

So since I've now been dubbed the soundtrack queen, I need to live up to the expectations. So since we are now officially prohibited from going outside too much, I decided, why not make a quarantine playlist. I've been hearing over and over about people saying that we should use the quarantine to educate ourselves, aka we should work, but also watch movies to learn about cinema, practice our art skills, etc. And except for one time on the radio this morning, I have yet to hear anyone talking about how we should broaden our musical knowledge. But I definitely feel like we should! Cause every time is a good time to learn more about music and discover new artists.

That's why I've built this nice little playlist just now, and I'll keep on adding stuff to it for sure, it's not in its definite form yet. I've just been trying to catch whatever album my brain is throwing at me (still right now, I have to interrupt my writing to go add something else) that I feel is suitable for these times. Not to happy because let's be honest, that'd be lying to ourselves, but not too sad either, because we don't need that right now. So yeah, I put together a bunch of albums and isolated songs that I feel work well as a whole, and I think I have over 24 hours of music by now in that playlist, so you'll most likely find something that works for you. Feel free to just scroll through it and listen to whatever inspires you at the moment! Also, if you have such a thing as a quarantine playlist of some sort, feel free to drop it in the comments, I'll definitely be checking it out!

Anyway, enough blabbing, here's the link:

And as always, sorry for those who don't have Spotify, but I simply don't have the patience to add like, 300+ songs individually to a Youtube playlist without knowing for sure someone's even gonna be using it, so sorry about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Have fun everyone, and see you at some point I guess


  1. Well I know it is not quarantine anymore (it might be again in a few weeks hum ) but I’m always looking for new artists, new songs, new albums to listen to and it looks like I have quit a few new ones with this playlist 😊 37h wow
    I just discovered Angus & Julie Stone and even if it’s not at all what I am used to listen to I like it

  2. “Every time is a good time to learn more about music and discover new artists.” This is seriously quoatable. Even though by the time I write this comment the quarantine has ended, I just wanted to say that this is such a marvellous idea! I didn’t listen to the playlist yet, but I saw some familiar names (Woodkid is one of my favourite bands) and some others to discover, so thanks a lot ^^

  3. Hi, i am a little bit late but this is so cool, thanks for the playlist ! I am just starting to listen to these songs and for the moment i really like it, especially that i was looking for new artists or songs to discover :)
