Tuesday, March 17, 2020

My first Woody Allen movie

Hello Charlie,

A few weeks ago, my beloved friend Jeanne Foltzer made me watch a movie by Woody Allen called "the irrational man" with Emma Stone and Joaquin Phoenix. And today, I am making an article out of this experience, because this movie-maker got under my skin. I was so marked by the movie that I needed new ones. So here I was, beginning this cinematographic exploration into Allen's world. The next one was obviously "Match Point", then "Café Society", "Blue Jasmin".. And the more I continued, the more I was intrigued, thirsty for other movies. 

There is something different from Woody Allen. I needed to discover new things and I was always surprised by his movies. They have the power to make your jaw drop. The plot twists, storylines, characters are never repetitive because the scenarios make you want to get inside the head of each character to understand their actions. The movies affect you in a psychological way, makes you wonder if you'd ever be capable to do anything that the characters do, questioning your values because you realize that in some circumstances you can live a total change of personality. He represents human conscience as nobody (that I know of) did, he knows how to show us a way of thinking, especially during crimes, of people, through their actions, expressions, body language, and words. Plus, he always knows how to add a bit of irony and can make a bit of tragic comedy out of wicked events.

I think the context is perfect to talk about this. We are you confined, what would you be capable of, after being alone for weeks? I am exaggerating a bit to point out what I want to make you understand. We could think some behaviors are shocking, vile, impossible even, but after reflection, aren't they extremely interesting to understand? What leaded someone to do something? 

See, I was talking about cinema and now psychology, this is why I am addicted to the cinema, it is linked with everything, aspects of life, every kind of characters from womanizer to feminist ones, studying mental diseases from psychopaths to schizophrenia. Cinema helps us understand and know a bit more about the world each time but can influence us a lot, so choose wisely your movies.

I'm sure you will find the time to watch a few during the quarantine, especially from Woody Allen if you haven't yet.

Next time, I will be talking about a tv show.

Victoire Philibert.

1 comment:

  1. Many Woody Allen films are unique in spite of his controversial life.
