Thursday, September 10, 2020

The OIB rite of passage we all went through

 Hey Charlie ,

Today, I am not talking directly to you, (sorry but if I always talk to you in my blog articles, other people will be jealous and will discover our relationship...  and... it is supposed to stay secret!).

Today I am talking to all OIB students (especially the secondes who are quickly going to experience it) about THE rite of passage of the 'Option Internationale du Baccalauréat' cult... sorry section ^^*

                                                       THE POSTER AND VIDEO TASK 

I know some of you are going to be frightened...... You are right ! It will be a long, dangerous and painful experience. But before you start looking like this :

                                                        Scared Baby GIFs | Tenor     

I am going to give you, in my biggest generosity and exclusively, my precious advices for this task. Here is a list of dos and don'ts if you want to survive to your meeting with "Poster and Video Task" The Terrible :      

    1- Don't under-estimate its power. Indeed, this is your first task (let's hope not the last ;)) so it is the first impression her Lordship Mrs.C will have on you. BUT you can easily use this power at your advantage, it is a very good way to improve OIB average!

    2- Do express your creativity! You don't need to be Picasso to make a good poster, just to be creative and original (you don't have to worry about that, if you are concerned by this post it means you are weird enough for having integrated OIB). You have carte blanche, you can easily stand out and produce a really good poster. 

    3- Don't be too perfectionnist. I know it is good to always want to do well, but unfortunately it is impossible. In OIB and at school more generally, professors do not expect  you or your work to be perfect (otherwise even I, queen of the world wouldn't be at school, writing this articlen in permanence as I live too far from school to go home during my 3 hour break). Don't be too demanding of yourself, it won't have any poqitive impact on your work but the opposite!

    4- Don't be stressed. If you get stressed (and I know what I am talking about, I developped asthma because of anxiety and anguish) you won't give the best of yourself and worst, you won't enjoy it! Also, don't forget you'll be filmmed and getting stressed is not the best for your image. I look like this before all my tests and I know it's not beautiful to see : 

                    stress gif – Maman Floutch – Blog pour mamans, parents de jumeaux Clermont  ferrand

    5- Do enjoy it! I am not saying that just to to reassure you, I really mean it. Let's be honnest, it is one of the most funny task you will have to do. It is true that is takes time but I prefer to spend time drawing a poster, filming myself and bonding with people who will suffer enjoy OIB with me for the 3 next years than stay for decades in front of my white sheet looking for a thesis statement! You can not imagine how many times me and my group restarted our video because we were laughing out loud!

    6- Don't be ashamed to ask for help. It is true talking with premières or terminales can be impressive as we already survived enjoyed at least 1 year of OIB, but don't worry, we aren't going to eat you (not yet). We went through this task and still are alive, so you can do the same, and even better thanks to this article ; ). If you have any question, doubt or just if you want to talk to wonderful and brilliant people come and talk to us! $

    7- last but not least Do (please) comment this article if you liked it and if you found it useful. I promise I'll find time in my really busy timetable (school-homework-eating) to read all your comment. 


Thank you for reading this article until the end. If you have been able to support my grammar mistakes and my not-funny-at-all small jokes, it means you are able to success your task.

Inès LOUCIF aka ILRDM       


  1. SO FIRST OF ALL, I liked your jokes, and it made me laugh ! -but maybe I have an awful humour as well, so let's not use me as an example- Second of all, I think it's very nice of you to take time to write this article just for us, the small, young and "innocent" secondes, especially if you have a busy timetable :) Anyway, your advices can be truly helpful because, I've got to admit, I'm a little nervous about it... And I'm sure I'm not the only one ! So thank you so much !

    1. You are welcome, happy to see I made you laugh, great minds think alike 😉. (Or it just means that we both have no humour, but let's stay positive^^*

  2. Thank you for this article!!!! I think we are are really stressed about it so this is really kind and helpful :) I'll try my best to follow all your advices so that I can make a good first impression as you say.
    I loved the jokes by the way and thank you for taking the time to write this just for us!

    1. Hello, you are welcome, I really enjoyed writing this article, it made me a bit nostalgic.... as it is now getting worse 🤣.

  3. Woah, I'm happy I found this article right when I was thinking about what to do for the poster and the video ajeghzz
    Thank you for posting this, honestly, I'm a pretty anxious person myself and seeing this kinds of really helpful articles for us secondes is really pleasing-
    I'll take all your advices into consideration, I mean, it's not like I didn't do this before so I don't really know why I'm stressing so much over this .w.
    Anyway, thank you again for this, I will use all your tips now :D

    1. Thank you Sara for reading my article, I hope my advices will help you. Don't stress too much, as you said it there is no reason to do so😉.

  4. THANK YOU for all your advices, i'm pretty sure it will be helpful, btw I liked your jokes, but (Marine can be a witness) I laugh a LOT so it's not hard to make me laugh, anyway. I'm a bit stressful about the poster and the fact that we'll have to film ourselves, but I tell myself "It will be fun! Don't worry!". Thank you again for the article! :)

    1. You really are welcome, relaaax and do your best, I know it will be good anyway. And sincerely, I thought the filming part was the funniest, so don't worry about that. Don't forget that even if the content has to answer the question, the form can be the one you choose 😉.

  5. Inès, you're a rock star.🌟 Many thanks for your support of our seconde students. 🙏This advice's highly helpful and is clearly counterbalancing the stress and fear that go hand in hand with every exercise and task I'm inflicting you students 🤗 FYI. I'm Her Ladyship.

    1. Thank you for giving me this idea, to be honest I really enjoyed writing this article during my looong break 🙃. It reminded me of seconde and made me feel a bit nostalgic...

  6. Thank you for all the advice ( and the funny jokes ) I really liked your article and I will try to follow every piece of advice you gave us. I hope I'm going to pass that "long, dangerous and painful experience" whithout too much damage. Thanks again to take the time ( in your very busy timetable ) to help us. :)

    1. Hi Juliette, thanks for reading my article. I know the long,dangerous and painful experiences won't give you much difficulty. Concerning my timetable, I am now going to practice the "eating" part of it *^^

  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH :D ! Yeah, your article is very useful and reassuring (and come on, your jokes were really funny !). Thank you for caring about us, little and young secondes :-). I’ll try to follow your advices, and be less nervous about it :D. Of course it’ll be fun, even tho I am not very comfortable about filming myself but apparently I can’t wear a mask covering my whole face so I’ll just try my best :)

    1. You are welcome, thanks for reading my article. I have to admit wearing a whole face covering mask is not a bad idea AT ALL!! I will use this tip the next time a professor will take pictures of us in order to put on the blog 😂

  8. THANK YOU SO MUCH REALLY THANKS i’m actually pretty lost because of the charge of work we’re assigned, it’s a lot to handle and it’s hard to organise, so i really appreciate that you care and give us advices since you’ve been there 🥺

    1. Hey Mira, thank you for reading my article. Don't get too stressed about the amount of work you have to do. I know it is heavy but you will soon get used to it and when you'll find your organisation, it will be a lot easier 🙃

  9. Well I guess everything was said by the others but yeah thanks for this article it is useful AND funny ... very enjoyable on this first week of “Panic On Board” what did you make your poster on ????
    And what is IRLDM ?

    1. Hello Anouk
      My poster was a parody of a letter addressed to James Bond giving him orders for his next mission. And ILRDM means Ines La Reine Du Monde

  10. Woah, this is actually a really helpful article-
    I didn't expect to find an article on this subject so I'm really happy owo
    Thank you for doing this article (and this incredible jokes as well ewe) I will use your tips when doing it :D
    Keep doing this, it's great :>

    1. Hello Sara
      Thank you for reading it. I hope you my advices will be useful for you and your group 😉

  11. Well I'm totally not petrified for the year to come at all! No this will be a very calm, stress-free environment where I won't be turning in my tasks 10 minutes before they're due :). In all seriousness thank you so much for this post it gives very useful advice!

    1. You are very welcome, I really like your message full of humour. Irony is one thing that I do not need to make an article about, you already master it 🙃

  12. Thank you so much for this article! I really enjoyed reading it :) I was a little bit nervous but you totally made me feel better, your advice is really useful and I will think about it each time I'm in English. And your jokes were excellent.

    1. Thank you Lola,
      I am glad you found my advices useful 😉

  13. I don’t know if this article could help me to draw better but obviously it has a positiv impact on all of us so thank you. I hope that we will enjoy oib as much as you do 😉

    1. Hey Nino
      I don't think any article of mine will help you draw better as I don't know how to draw AT ALL, it is even worse than me in trying to "play sports".......🤦 Thank you for seeing I enjoyed OIB, it is true that it isn't that obvious through my article 😅. If you need any drawing advice, talk to Astrid, she is the Picasso of OIB.

  14. Thank you so much for this! I really hate all the works where we have to go in front of everyone or just show ourselves it makes me so anxious and nervous. But this helped me a lot! Thanks again for all the advices and the actually-funny small jokes!

    1. Hello Isma, don't worry about that, you soon will adapt to the rhythm of work and it will get better. Thanks for reading my article 🙂.

  15. Honestly, I thought your article was just brilliant. You managed to make us laugh, reassure us, and prepare us for our FIRST task as the OIB’s official new crew in a few lines. However, I have to say that I do not know if your jokes terrified me or motivated me. I guess both :)
    We are lucky to have nice buddies to show us the way, so really: thank you. “Poster and Video Task The Terrible” will be a challenge, but now we have a plan to survive.

    1. Hey Nina, I am happy to see my jokes let you perplexed, it was meant to 😈. I really count on you to survive as I need my buddies to make experiences about scarry tasks and homeworks 😂.

  16. Hi! Thank you so much for your article! It really helpfull and I have to admit that I'm (surprisingly) not stressed anymore .
    It's very nice of you to do it even if you are really busy!
    So I just want to say one thing: God save the Queen Inès !

    1. Hey Johanna
      Thank you for reading my article, I am happy that it destressed you. Tell me when you'll have your grade 😏

  17. Very funny and useful article ;) Just wanted to add for the secondes: do prepare time for editing the video (last year I did it last minute and it was pretty horrible looking in the end) and for uploading it. It took more than 4 hours to upload my video, so be careful about that!

  18. I wish I had this article when I was in seconde :/ by the way great article Ines!

  19. Heyyy Ines, you didn't tell me about your secret relationship... But I am not gonna get mad at you because you made me laugh :D Btw I would have liked to read an article like this at the beginning of last year so thank you for doing it for the new secondes :)

  20. Thank you for this hilarious article and also for the tips since I as well have been given this exact same task. I was really stressed about this task before reading this article but now I feel a bit better. Thank you again !
