Sunday, September 06, 2020

Nonsense or hidden sense ?


Hello Charlie! Do you know this moment when you read a sentence, and you don't know if it is genius or nonsense? Cause I do, but usually whithin 5 minutes I find a sense to the sentence, or a sense find a way to my mind, I don't really know .

So today I want to show you and comment two sentences either incredible or just weird ( as you want).

By the way, this is my first post, so don't be nice and tell me what can be improved!

Well enough of blabla, let's start!

I want to start with my favorite quote: « Contrariwise...if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic» Lewis Carroll

The first time I saw it I was like « Am I dumb or what?», but now I found my understanding.

For me this sentence help to put things in perspective, like when I stress I am like « Oh my god it could be like that, this could happen» and then I think about this sentence and I'm like «Well it's not happening so it's fine».

Another sentence that helps me is: «To hesitate is to make a decision» Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

It is also a sentence which can be confusing. My first thought was « If I hesitate it is because I don't know what decision  I have to make». This one takes time for me to understand, but I think ( once again it's just my opinion) that hesitate is, most of the time, being scared of making the choice one wants to make. Being scared by what other people might think or being scared that it is a bad decisions, even if it's what you want to do in the first place.

So when I have a choice to make, I ask myself « Do you really don't know what to do or are you just too scared to do it?». Turns out that most of the time I already know the answer .

I dont know if I properly express myself, but what I am trying to say is that every sentence as a purpose, a meaning specific to each.

It's normal if you don't understand a sentence ( or a music, a film…) the same way others people do. I actually think it would be sad if everyone saw things the same way.

So there it is... the end of this post. But don't be sad!

If you see a meaning that I didn't see in the above sentence, or if you want to share one you really like, please do it! I think it could be very interesting to discuss about it!

I hope you enjoyed this post!                                       

Love you guys! 



  1. Okay... I'm still trying to figure out if your post is genius or nonsense :) Just kidding, actually, it's a very interesting article ! It's something I would not have thought about, but it's actually quite a good subject. I love these kind of sentences and I know several similar ones, such as " When you do nothing, you're doing something".

    1. Thank you! So how do you understand this sentence? I quite like the one you shared whith us !

    2. Which sentence are you talking about, sorry ? The last one you shared or mine ?

    3. I talk about your sentence

    4. OH right, so I'm feeling this sentence is about how being alone can brings good things, you know, so you get to organize your thoughts, etcetera, and how it can feel good sometimes. How do you understand this one ?

    5. I love your understanding of this sentence! Actually I agree with you, but I also think of another way to understand it. I think it can be read as a "relaxing one", like , it's ok if you are not doing anything "productive" cause sometimes it is inportant to just breathe and be calm.

    6. Yeah it's also true ! :) Well-spotted !

  2. Ohh yeah these sentences are very confusing… They’re the kind of quotes that sometimes make me feel dumb, but I still love to try to understand them xD. I like the second one a lot. First I thought « Of course we are making a decision when we hesitate, we just don’t know if we have to do it or not ». I guess it’s actually more complicated than that x). Maybe it’s about making a difference between hesitation and indecision ? Indecision could mean that we don’t know what to do, and hesitation would mean that we’re making the choice but we’re not sure it’s right. I don’t know what this quote really means, I just wanted to share this point of view :-).

    1. I did not see things like that but it's actually very clever. It's true that indecision and hesitation are not exactly the same things! Thank you for sharing your point of view!

  3. I clearly felt dumb when I read that quote 😂😂😂 I had to read it again to try to understand it and still I’m not sure I got what Lewis Carroll tried to tell us. As you said it’s confusing.
    Anyway thank you for sharing this quote I like it very much
    Love you too

    1. I'm glad you liked this quote! Even if it is confusing
      Be sure I felt as you feel the first time 😂

  4. Wow that first one had me doing a few double takes! I believe it's trying to say something along the lines of: if it was before it could be after, if it were so (as in if something was true) then it would be true (this is very confusing) but since it isnt true, it aint true? That explanation probably made no sense, but that is my interpretation.
    It is a very good quote though I should write that down somewhere

    1. Well your interpretation is just as good as mine ! I think the understanding of this kind of sentence is very personal!
      Also, if you want to write that sentence somewhere I suggest you to take a notebook specially for this kind of sentence and quote you really like! 😁

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I really enjoy discover these two remarquable or nonsense quotes. Especially the second, in which I recognize myself, being scared to hesitate because I am not making a choice. As you perfectly said, the next time it will happen, I will ask myself this question, « Do you really don't know what to do or are you just too scared to do it?». I take this opportunity to share my favorite quote, which is a French one but translated : « man is doomed to be free » Satre. I let you think about it …

    1. Wow.. I really love this quote, it is indeed confusing.
      I think it could be great to talk about this sentence in person, but as soon as I find my interpretation I will let you know!!

  7. hi! I really enjoyed reading your article. It was a real exercise for my brain even if I don't think i've understood it all. I really loved the second quote because it feels like saying "When you're doing nothing, you are already doing something". I'm going to go and try to understand the first quote. I'll let you know if I understand its meaning one day.

    1. Hi! Thank you, I am happy to see that you liked it 😊.
      Well I can't wait for you to share your understanding of this sentence!

  8. Great article, Johana. Being fanciful is a quality I treasure in myself and in students and playing mind games can be so much fun!

    1. Thank you a lot! It is true that writing this article was very fun and interesting and I am happy to see that some people enjoyed it.
      Thank you again!

  9. yeah that quote confused me as well... like i feel like i get the sense globally but i can’t really explain it ??? it’s so weird...
    anyways i get what you’ve wanted to said about the Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quote, it’s very smart, i would not have thought of that !

    1. Well I tink it is hard enough to understand the global sense of quotes like this!
      I would be happy to hear your understanding of this sentence when you find it!

    2. Well I tink it is hard enough to understand the global sense of quotes like this!
      I would be happy to hear your understanding of this sentence when you find it!

  10. That was a really interesting article about an interesting thing :0
    I didn't expect to read something about these type of sentences, which, to be honest, pretty much confuse everyone x)
    It's great to hear your interpretations about this, and I hope I'm gonna discover some new nonsense quotes from you :D

    1. Thank you! I would be happy to discuss about other quotes with you in person (or maybe in another article )😁!

  11. Yes it's kind of confusing, I read it several times but I,m honestly still confused. Your article was interesting and had me thinking.

    1. Well if you want to , I would like to hear your interpretation when you find it!

  12. I loved this post! Especially the part with the Stanislaw Jerzy Lec's quote. I always overthink every decisions I take so reading this really helped me rethink about life and its meaning. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Thank you ! I'm glad if this sentence helped you like it helped me!

  13. Nonsense or Hidden sense ?...These are genuises' sentences with a hidden sense to me. How did you came up with such a cray/weird/fantastic idea ? Because the concept is original and fun, so bravo and thank you for sharing your analyse with us. I agree that Lewis Carroll’s quote is quite difficult to read the first time, but in the end everyone can find their own meaning to it ! I love how unique these quotes are.

    1. Well I came up with this weird idea when I was looking for a subject for my article. I love these kind of quotes and the way it makes me think so I wanted to share that with people!
      I'm happy that you liked these quotes!
      And I agree with you, for me these are beautifull sentences with a hidden sense specific to each!

  14. You have now sprouted an extremely specific passion in a number of people :) No but more seriously this is a nice post and the first one about logic... it's a reaaaaally good one, I almost felt my brain leaking out of my ears XD

    1. Thank you! I am really happy if people liked this post!
      And I'm really sorry for your brain...XD

  15. This article is SO interesting! Thank you for making it.
    Also maybe I found some strange sentences that could be in your article like "Never say never" or "To forbid is forbidden". And when I read them or somebody says them I'm just like- "My brain is not ok please fgchgbk"
    Anyway, I really enjoyed your article :)

    1. Thank you so much!
      I think the sentences that you shared are pretty interesting!
      There are a lot of sentence like these and I really love the fact that they are all interesting ( and confusing as well 😂 ) .
