Monday, March 16, 2020

ideas of things to do during confinement

Hello Charlie!
We are going through tough times right now... Covid-19 is spreading world-wide very quickly and for our case, we are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible and soon, we will probably not have the choice and face total confinement. This is for the good cause, but it is true that some of us might wonder about what we will do to kill time while confined? Well, I am here to give you some ideas!

- read books
we all have books that we have wanted to read for the longest time but never got around to it because we lacked free time. Now is the perfect time!

if you're like me and push it back all the time with the excuse that you have more important things to do :/ oops

- watch movies
(thanks to Victoire!!) I found out about this great instagram page named @whichmovieplease which tells you about 5 great movies to watch every week. A great way to find out your options when wanting to watch a movie.

-get ahead of your work
if you have work that is due in a while but you have time to do it now, do so! Your future self will love you for it.

-take care of yourself
take a bath, do a facemask, paint your nails...

-spend quality time with your family/ roomates
everyone is home... You might as well make the most of it!

-deep cleaning
now may be the time to clean the space you've been putting off forever... Personally, my messy closet would be a good start...

NOW is the time to finally catch up on the many sleep hours you missed..

voilà! hope you enjoyed it, feel free to add some activities in the comments if you have other ideas!
But more importantly, stay safe and healthy! I hope everyone is doing wonderfully.

I hope to see you all soon...  :)
Sirine Jenane 1ereOIB


  1. really good ideas! personally I love to cook for my friends and family so I think cooking is a great acitvity for the confinement (with clean hands of course) particularly because we might have less access to food so it's a real challenge to cook a different meal with the same box of pastas everyday.

  2. Thanks for this article! I'm in quarantine until the 15th ( corona has found me ) and I'm soooooooooooo bored. I never thought I would say ( or write ) this, but I really want to go back to school. Anyway your article was very useful ( even if i hope we won't have to use it too much this year ):)

  3. Useful, fun and funny. What more can we ask for, Sirine?
