Monday, March 16, 2020

My favourite books and movies for the confinement:

Hello Charlie, as you've seen we're all stuck into our homes, but actually there are some positive points to it. I'm not the first one to post an article about things to do when you're home but here I'll be more focused on the cultural aspects of the confinement, that are books to read and movies to watch and music to listen... For the musics and the films, you can find them on youtube or on free websites. for the books, I guess you can find some of them on the internet for free or if you really want to read them you can borrow them at the library or buy them when things will get better.


Go ask Alice: "Go ask Alice" isn't a novel nor a play nor a fiction.. It's the diary of a young American girl falling into drugs. She slowly becomes addicted to diverse substances when a friend proposes her some lsd at a party. However, this book isn't only about drugs:it's also about teenagers in general and how becoming an adult can be difficult . Places, names and minor details have been modified out of respect for the young girl's family. Go ask Alice is a very powerful book that really affected me and that allowed me to understand the mechanics of an addiction.
Image result for go ask alice

To kill a mockingbird: Harper Lee
"To kill a mockingbird" tells the story of a seven years old girl living in Maycomb county, Alabama and whose father is a lawyer defending a Black man charged with the rape of a White girl .  The fact that the narrator is very young allows us to reconsider issues like racism differently. I read it  quickly because it was very addictive and I really liked the simplicity of Harper Lee's writing.

The Vagina Monologues: Eve Ensler
"The Vagina Monologues" is a play by Eve Ansler based on interviews with random women. She asked them about their sexual experiences and their love experiences. The play is about consent, evlotuion of people's mind, love, etc. The characters are very diverse in terms of age, origins, religions and social classes. This play is indeed meant to represent all women and their point of view on questions that seem trivial but that reveals a lot on sexism for example.
Image result for eve ensler

Moonlight: Barry Jenkins
"Moonlight" represents the 3 stages of a man's life (youth, adolescence and adult life), exploring varied themes such as sexuality, drug trafic, family, friendship or  harassement. Chiron, the main character, discovers he is attracted by his friend Kevin when he becomes a teenager. Years later, he becomes a drug dealer and he meets Kevin again at a restaurant. It is a wonderful story even if it's harsch and the actors are great.

Image result for moonlight
True grit: The Cohen brothers
"True grit" is a beautiful western about a girl fleeing  home in order to revenge her father.
She is going to meet a sherif helping her in her mission. Her story shows the power of a 14 years old girl in her struggle for justice. Once again the actors are very good and the scenario is intriguing.

Image result for true grit

Aretha Franklin:
I guess you know her but she's really good to make you in a good mood when things are not going really well.

Nina Simone: a lot of masterpieces were writen by this amazing singer.

The Blaze (techno): if you just want to let your mind go away with a very good band and very soft voices.

Mount Kimbie (techno): the rythmics are so different from one song to another but there is always this vintage and nostalgic tone into their music. They did a lot of featurings with singers too.

Rosemary Standley : I don't know how to describe her style but she was Moriarty's singer (Jimmy won't you please come home, where the grass is green and the buffaloes roam...) and her voice is so soft, please take a minute to listen to her songs! One of my favourites is "Porque te vas" which is a rework of Jeanette's song .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendations. They are you in a nutshell.
