Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Her majesty invites you to read this article!!

Hi charlie,
Today, I am going to talk about my life and reveal you some crucial informations like the fact I have royal blood !

As many of you, my dear subjects already know, I am, added to a Russian spy, the Queen Of The World (if you did not know such a thing I am inviting you to question yourself. I mean, it is even more obvious than the fact we put cornflakes BEFORE milk). This is why, under my articles I always write "ILRDM for those who understand" (ILRDM=>InèsLaReineDuMonde) and also why I brought biscuit "Prince" at this Christmas Party.
Anyway, here are the things to do and not to do in INESLAND if you want to be a good subject.

1- Do not tell me I am not the queen of the world. (Let my royaly person dream ok!)

2 - When in class you are at the board, PLEASE erase the board completely, do not let a trace.

3 - Do not walk on people's new white shoes saying they are now baptize (really, do not do that)

4 - Do not begin to say something and then stop and never finish your sentence. (It is so frustrating!)

5 - Eating time is a sacred time, so respect this moment ( in all the meanings of the term, you should appreciate this moment and when you are satiated, put your trash on a bin)

6 -  Do not call me from the other time of the class, for , when I answer, telling me "oh nothing"

7 - When you call an Inès, please precise the one you are calling.

8 - Do not ask me questions about politics (not because my person doesn't like that, it is because she won't stop talking!)

9 - When I make jokes you do not understand or which aren't funny, you HAVE TO LAUGH! At least for the nullity of the joke 🤷‍♀️

10 - Last but not least, you have to BE YOURSELF and LOVE YOURSELF (I am giving this obligation for myself too) and never forget that even if your life is bad, if everything goes wrong, if nobody loves you, if you wear ballerines (It is FORBIDDEN)

I hope you enjoyed this article (I have to admit it is old...)
Have a good day ILRDM


  1. Thanks you Queen for these reminders you shall prance just like every Queen does

  2. I thought I was supposed to be the overconfident person of the section. I guess I become lame to this young generation... #OldTimer
