Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Heya Charlie !

SO ! Today I'll present to you a film that we are supposed to talk about at our cinema club soon and it is this beautiful movie :

As I supposed you've guessed from the title, this film is set during the year 1917. And so, World War I. But ! As you have probably not guessed, in the Somme.

I have to say that there will be spoilers so if you continue to read this entry I can rightfully assume that you have seen it, or that you just don't care.

you have been warned!

As for such setting for this movie, this will be heavy in drama, violence and overall despair because war is dificult, and World War I is one of the most deadly so corpses are everywhere. (Amazing work on those by the way, they are beautifully crafted now that I think about it)
In this film we follow our main character. That races against the clock to deliver a message to stop an attack on a trap set up by the enemy.

He first goes with his partner that... you know from the start that one of them dies. I mean its like the mentor archetype, you know he'll die. but it still hits you hard.

I just want to point out that... Holly Molly this movie is beautifully shot, I mean look at this !
the work that has gone into every single aspects is jaw dropping. The costumes, the environment, the lighting, the sound effects, the accessories, the little one minute characters that pop up every now and then that has depth and everything. They feel like actual people. It's simply magnificent !

I'd say that the thing that struck me the most inside of the story of this movie is the dialogue at the end. You understand how the war was like, pointless, heroïc gigantic efforts for... just minimal consequences, by the few lines my main man Benedict Cumberbatch delivered perfectly. this movie appart for all the amazing things I've said which make oh so good pale in comparison to this scene.

It's truly beautiful in the gruesome bloody truth it delivers it hits us like a truck. I'd say that it might even be a reason to watch the whole movie !


  1. I haven't had time to see it yet, but the images of the film you showed make me want to do so, 1917 looks great !

  2. Great film. Go see it, it is different from war films usually at the cinema. It is Cinema Club leader-approved.

  3. The cinema club always proposes great films.

  4. Thank you for your article! I've watched this movie plenty of times and it is a great film, especially the fact that's it's made in a single cut (or 2 or 3). The thing i personnaly liked the most was the environment: chaotic and rude.
