Monday, December 29, 2014

Stage 1 to go to Belfast!

Dear Charlie,

Did you know that on Friday the 19th, just before the holidays, we started to shoot the video to fund our trip to Belfast? 

Long time before actually shooting, Amandine organized everything. Those who could, gathered on a friday afternoon to talk about what we were going to do. There were plenty of good ideas but we agreed to have three little skectches, a scene with everybody waving signs with a letter in each sign, saying  WE NEED YOU!! and a scene where two of us had a speech to say.

The sketches had to show all of us running after the tramway and in the stadium with the four of us saying we are lost and the other three of us hitchhiking to go to Belfast.

My favorite moment was when we ran after the tramway because people were looking at us strangely and we had to rehearse the scene three times!

Not everybody was there and some had to leave early but we managed to film what we planned to do. We all had fun and had a great moment together!

Big thanks to Amandine's cousin who filmed and Paloma who brought the signs! And of course, to those who were there.

Here is the link to the video

Enjoy your last days of holidays and happy new year in advance!

King C.


  1. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there... but I was sick and in bed when you were filming, so I would have been more of an embarrassment than anything else if I'd had an important role ^^'

  2. That was so fun! I can't wait to watch the video!

  3. I remember being so exhausted friday evening because we had had to run twice afte the tramway!

  4. Sounds like lots of fun! I can't wait to see the final video. Your ideas are great, good job guys!

  5. It was really fun to shoot, especially when we were running after the tramway, it was my favourite part. I really can't wait to see the video!

  6. I'm sorry, I could not be there... but thank you to Amandine's cousin who helped a lot!
    When we stayed a Friday afternoon after class (an hour and a half maybe?) to talk about what we were going to do, there were a lot of good ideas! What was finally chosen was great!
    You seemed to have a lot of fun! I wish I was there... :) I can't wait to see the video! :)

  7. I couldn't stay all the time but when I was there I really had a lot of fun with you all ! I hope the video will be great and that we all can go to Belfast and enjoy the trip !
    PS: thank's again to Amandine's cousin who took time to film us !!

  8. It was funny when we were holding signs and we had to do it three times, Amandine's cousin was very patient. We spent a good time and I hope it will be effective !

  9. Ok if I see people running three times after the tramway I will know that they are oib haha :p The video looks cool, in particular if there could be bloopers ! ;p

  10. We can't wait to see this video, please post it asap!
