Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New year

Well it's the very last day of 2014 which was a very enriching year. So new year means... Of course party, food, get even fatter after Christmas, happiness but also RESOLUTIONS! We all have some and I thought it could be interesting to exchange ours on this blog. We always want to be better persons for the new year (even though it usually doesn't last more than a month haha!).
Anyway, here are mine :
- I finally decided to become 100% vegan at my house so I'll stope eating anything coming from the animal when I am home. I wish I could also do that during the week but it would be way too complicated since I eat at school and at my boarding place. But I'll do my best to stop cheese (that's the only food I'm fighting to stop with!) and eggs there.
- I decided to stop using Facebook and Instagram because it makes me lose so much time which I could use to do things that could help me and be more "pedagogical" (moreover I understood it was useless for me!)
- well I also thought about going running at least once a week but I'm pretty sure it won't last long haha..
- and maybe stop being late at school 4 mornings on 5 haha!

So now let's talk about you! What are your main resolutions for 2015?

By the way HAPPY NEW YEAR TO Y'ALL , see you next week (youhouhou) ;D


  1. Thank you Celine :*
    happy new year to everybody
    my resolutions are:
    read more
    run more
    post article and comment on this blog ;)

    1. An article posting and blog commenting resoluton. Interesting...
      We look forward to hearing more from you.

  2. Happy new year too ! For 2015 my resolution is to be better in maths !

    1. Your resolution is about maths and not English. Lucas, how can that be? ;p

  3. Happy new year everyone!! I've never had real resolutions.. But I'll make an effort for 2015 😄
    1- eat healthier ( for example, no more chocolate )
    2- maybe I should do a little more sport...
    3- and I definitely need to participate more in class

    1. I cannot really tell about the other resolutions, but I've definitely seen your efforts in class participation. Well done, keep up with it!

  4. So, Céline, how are we doing on the resolution front? have you managed to keep them up?
