Friday, October 30, 2020

The rats in the Walls "review"

Hi Charlie, second article time:

This time it's about "the rats in the Walls" from H.P Lovecraft aka the guy who created Chtulu.

This is Cthulhu (isn't he cute?


“The Rats in the Walls and other stories” is a book written by H.P Lovecraft (i know i shouldn't repeat things twice whent it's useless)  which contains 12 “short” stories. Most of them take place in realistic environments but feature unnatural, horrifying or even straight up disturbing events. Some of those stories happen in the same universe (whenever the “Necronomicon” is present COSMIC seized trouble is sure to happen). In a lot of these stories like “ The statement of Randolph Carter” (which is my personal favorite),  Lovecraft manages to horrify the reader in some ways I didn’t know before (so please follow this advice: do NOT read during the night.(i tried so you don't hve to)However some stories like “The quest of Iranon” are more peaceful. A big plus of this book is that you can choose which story you want to read (or if you want to have a night or no).

Anyway this is the end of my review, hope that you enjoyed and please read this book (if you got some time).


  1. It sounds amazing even though I'm terrified from horror stories , I'll need to find time to read it during the day haha

  2. Chtulu is absolutely ADORABLE and GORGEOUS !

    No, honestly this is an amazing article, Mik ! I really need to read a lovecraft one day :)

    1. We all gotta love our slimy gigantic ancient squid like boy!

  3. Honestly, I got to admit, I love Lovecraft because he's the only one that can instill that lingering sense of fear, and of being watched for entire months. (Which is also the reason why I very seldomly read his masterpieces). But he's the only one that could convey cosmic horror to me.

    Not all of his writing clicks with me, but his concepts are superb.
    And I also need to add that... he is not really that great of a person (in regerd of sexism and particularly his racism) and this, can be extremely repulsive to readers.
    I mean yikes ! he says in one of his most famous stories that a character has dissappeared probably killed by an evil cult because he saw a black man on the street !

    But anyway great writing and that's a really good article, read some Lovecraft it's great
