Tuesday, May 12, 2020

___________________What about now ?_________________

*I think everyone talked about this quaranteen already and many blogers, youtubers, friends are saying things really interesting about it. But as you know, monday (May the 11th) was the day we all’ve been both expected and feared. What’s next ? Will everything be all back to normal ? Should I go outside as if nothing happened or stay in my house, fearing being confined again ? Sadly, nobody can answer these questions and there is no miracle. But I can give you a few advices of what you should do whathever your choice is (which belongs only to you by the way).

I) Do the things that make you feel happy
One of the best point of this quarantine for me is that I had plenty (maybe too much but, anyway) to ask myself some questions and I managed to make a little sorting out in my own thougts. (which is a real liberation for a person who tends to overthink about nothing like me…)
One of the first questions was : what makes me happy ?
>>My advice : start by listing them somewhere (in your mind, in your phone app or on a piece of paper) It can be anything. Sleeping, watching series, reading next to your window, talking with your friends, the sound of the rain,… The goal here is to find these ideas, put the words on what makes you feel good and above all, do them. Also, learn to enjoy your own company, I think it’s very important in order to appreciate even more the other’s one.

II) Make some projects.
If you are a well orgenized person, find a new project and do it. If you’re a pretty messy person like me, start by finishing one of the many unsettled projects that are everywhere in your daily life.
Here are a few random ideas : finishing a notebook (I think I never done this in my entire life it’s kinda scary), learning THAT song you always had struggles with, read the end of the book you’ve started monthes ago but never found the time to do so. Watch the movies that are on your watch list for AGES (oh and also, create a watchlist if you don’t already have one) or watch again movies of your childhood : it’s important to have a new point of view and a fresh look on things sometimes.

III) Get out of your comfort zone !
It’s a fresh new start to everyone and it’s now or never to fully assume yourself.
>>So wear that dress/outfit you’ve always liked but that you were afraid to put on because of the others’ look who could have found it too much X or too much Y. Feel free to put on makeup or not (it’s YOUR face, who cares anyway?). Cut and dye your hair the strangest color you can think of if this idea had already crossed your mind (you can in any case say that confinement has driven you mad :))
And now, go out when you want to, go watch the sunset or the dawn alone or with people you feel really comfortable with. And feel free to say "no" to a hangover if you're not in the mood, don't let anyone make you feel guilty about that. (you'll never miss something fabulous anyway, if you don't feel like doing it or going there, there is always a reason: trust yourself no matter what.)

>> This is the end of this article guys, I really hope you enjoyed it and that it got you inpired do to new things. If I haven't brought you anything, well done, that means that this quarantine has pai off ;). 
I hope you are all doing well physically and mentally, you and your loved ones. I send you all the love I can and don't forget: enjoy your life, it only belongs to you.
Take care!


  1. Wow, first I really liked the form of your article, that's sooo pleasant to read. And I will try some of the things you talked about, even if I already did all of them... Thanks! <3 <3

  2. Hi! I really enjoyed reading your article. I liked having time to think during this quarantine and your article is inspiring me to do so much ( so much that I've decided to go back to quarantine - just jocking Covid 19 decided for me ).I want to do what makes me happy and wear THAT dress and finish the (too) many projects I haven't had the time to finish last year. :)

    1. Thank you for your comment! I really hope you will succeed everything you do this year, and I will be glad to have updates about your projects ;)

  3. Well done, Alais. I love how you've used the lock-down as an opportunity for creative outlets and positive thinking.

  4. Well for the moment we're not quarantined so I can't really use your advices but looking at how the things are going maybe ...
    Actually I did do that last spring, I did all the small things I hadn't had the time to do and it was quite satisfying
