Thursday, May 07, 2020


Hey everyone!

During this quarantine, something I've found myself doing a lot is watching/rewatching movies, because that's one of my favourite things to do. And for years now, I've been making a list of every movie I see, because I like knowing when I first watched what, and overall like keeping a tab on things. And instead of writing it out in my boring old 'Notes' app, I'm going to present a website that does just that!

This website is called Letterboxd, and it's great for movie lovers. You can keep a diary of all the movies you see, write or read reviews and give ratings, find ideas on what to watch next...

Letterboxd has a great aesthetic, this what your profile looks like:
peep my profile picture

On your profile, you can log your favourite movies
they only let you have four, it's dramatic
And you can stack all the movies you've ever seen, all in one place!

You can follow your friends, and judge them for their poor taste:
only three and a half stars for The Full Monty, really??

Finally, you can make cool (and mostly useless?) lists:

Alright, that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this short article exposing my taste in films! If you want to create an account, it's super easy: you can either download the app, or use their website. So, if anyone ends up making one, or already has one, feel free to share your username in the comments because I'm always searching for new things to watch!

Take care, and watch loads of movies :)


  1. Nice article !! You've made me want to watch Trainspotting for the thousandth time... Can't wait !!
    I'll definitely try this app, since I can never make sense of movies I want/need to watch. Hope the Music club has been going well and that you're not drowning in too much work ? This time must be so stressful.

  2. That article might get Mr Leah to use apps on a regular basis?

    1. I think my dad would get on well with Mr Leah on that topic 😂😂😂

  3. wow great!! I just need to actually watch movies now.
