Wednesday, June 03, 2020

MarsMun !

Hi Charlie,

Hope the lock-down has helped you to rest a bit.

MarsMun 2020’s edition happened last weekend, on May 30 ! Even if the experience was a bit changed by the coronavirus crisis, it was still incredible.
We were planning on doing it in a great place, with more than 120 people, but in the end, it’s on a Cned class that we had to it in the end.

I have to admit I was feeling a bit stressed before D-Day, and even before T-Time, because I didn’t know whether if people would be talking a lot or not, because they’d only be alone in front of their computer.

2pm : after having waited for everyone to arrive, it’s now time to start. Amandine and I are a very solid team and I think we really enjoy being and working together. We tried to divide the work so that it would be more efficient. And at the beginning motivating people could look a bit complicated.

We soon moved on to the lobbying phase in which everyone was in a smaller group and so it helped the discussions to go on. There were three groups and each of them submitted a resolution. That was great !

We then moved on to debates on the resolutions. They were all very interesting and very fruitful ! We sometimes had a few connection issues which made the thing a bit more complicated but in the end it was still very fun !

I would like to thank everyone involved in this event : teachers and students from our section, and teachers and students from other schools : Vauvenargues, Victor Hugo, Georges Duby, Marseilleveyre…
It was great having you all guys !

I’m really looking forward to seeing all of you in real life next year for MarsMun’s 2021 live edition !

Well Charlie I’ll come back soon because I need to talk to you about a book I’ve not finished yet but that I really loved… but for the moment, you can find the introductory video of MarsMun here, if you wish to take a look at it.


1 comment:

  1. This was a unique MUN. I was so proud of you guys! Lockdown could not beat us!
