Friday, March 13, 2020


Hey guys, here I come to deliver another life lesson. But before, make sure you follow me on instagram @yann_cabibbo, in order to claim you were there whan it all started.

Anyway, today, I am just about to bring you a fact of life, a pandemic more viral than Covid-19. An issue that is bigger than climate change (hello haters). It is in the title so let's end this unbearable suspense: WE THINK TOO HARD.

I don't say that we should completly avoid thinking. Sometimes it is useful trust me. But most of the time it is useless, and even counter-productive. Trust me, I know what thinking too much is about, and I know how it doesn't help.

But firstly, let's break down what I don't think about and let me show you how helpfull it is for my inner self:

- the bac: come on guys we will have it, and we will be so stressed during the exam period that it is necessary to think about it so early

- my homework: my tip is to think how laughable the importance we gave to homwork will be in 30 years. You do it, it's fine for you. You don't, it's ok as long as you assume it later. Trust me, you employer won't ask you if you did well your 20 quotes anlysis (secondes, that's what awaits you).

- my post-bac future: just consider that you will be where you will be, and nothing is set in stone. Don't neglect it, but you must know that you first got to make it to this moment, for your future to become your present (you can quote me)

- my opinions: they are here, they are mine and they are wrong, just as yours. Don't shout to ourselves because of opinions, or worst. Communicate and if there is no debate opened, let's greet good old status quo

- what I say: words are forgotten and will vanish like all things

- politics: let's worry about them when we will have nothing to worry about (when we will turn lame)

Here comes the boring part where I talk about my life bla bla bla: 

There are plenty others, but I can't think about them, and I don't want to. Anyway, if I do this article it's because I am too much worried about things that don't matter at the end. I used to be obsessed with what people thought of me. I created expectations bigger than why I could actually receive from them. I suffered a lot because of it (now I do great). Guys, do me a favor, focus on yourselves first. Be the best version you can possibly be., and then the people's affection will only be a reward. I am not careless, or #TRANQUILO, and I will never be, but I just give myself some relief, having fun because life should be bout that first.

I just hope it helped you. Read this article once, and never think about it again please, you are so worried already.

Your man, the Voice of the Voiceless, me . See y'all  


  1. Hi! I agree with you, but as much as I am convinced that we think too hard, sometimes I can't help it.
    So I have a question: how do you convince yourself that everything is fine when you're overthinking?
    Do you have (like me) some quotes that help you keep your calm, do you have tips to distract yourself or somethings like that?
    In all cases, thank you for sharing with us your point of view!

  2. I couldn’t agree more ! I am very stressed a lot of the time because I overthink about a lot of things (my homework , my transport to the school, bugs and my future in general). Sometimes it makes me panick or prevent me from doing anything else but thinking.
    If only I could put your pieces of advice in practice my life would be way easier.

  3. Relatable! I'm always overthinking and it's sooo annoying When I was in a bad state of mind, I used to get myself even more sad by thinking too much and I can say that obsessing over little things is really useless and I'm doing much better when I'm just enjoying life and worrying less :)
