Saturday, March 14, 2020

Interesting games for EVERYONE

to quote a great man :
"Hello demons...          it's me...      ya boi"
Anyway Charlie oim beck!

And this time it's the gamer in me that rises up (get it ?). I know in the OIB there are not a great number of gamer or at least not trained gamers.


I had the idea to introduce some of you to classics, genius, beautiful but mostly easy video games.

I will now present to you 2 games that anyone can play, but that still are, in my opinion, one of the best and most interresting experience you can have at such a small price and with as little difficulty as possible.
And they all have one thing in common. Dillemas, moral dillemas and organisation.

First lets strat with the classic, the OG, the one that is most famous.

The morally ambiguous.

The very red

The cold

The dark

The communist

One of the greatest games I've ever played. You are set inside the very russian like, communist country of Arstotzka.
After winning the governmental lotery you have won a great job, or at least... in the contract it was a dream job.
You have are on border control, you have to look at the people's passports and choose if the people that want to get  in and out of Arstotzka are free to go, or if they are to be DETAINED!

You have to find the errors in the visas, but you'll also have to face the ever so increasing number of demands from the government. For examples, you have to check the different errors in the passports but if they work inside of the engineering sector... they are not to enter the country.
Every day something new comes to the choping block.

The game play is about moving around the document that are given to you and to try and review as much people as possible, and doing that correctly to. All of this in the hope have a good enough paycheck to afford the needs of your family.
You will sometime encounter people that you will willingly pass even if they are not allowed, but if this happens too frequently you might not have the money to afford food for the people that you care about.

Everything in this game is not black or white, right or wrong, but your answers have to be and they will strongly affect the narrative. YOUR CHOICES MATTER.
So... Will you be a good comrade and follow the instructions that were given or will you try and topple the state ?
Will you do everything that seems right to you or just follow instructions ?
Will you prioritize your family or poor strangers ?

Find this and much more, in... PAPERS PLEASE.

Next on the choping block and more on the futuristic side lets take a look at my favorite classic :

Also in the minimalistic end of the spectrum this beautiful game shows us that sometimes...
less IS more. As you can see, how much the community goes from minuscule characters and not very detailed ships, to go such results:

In this game you control one of the last small vessels of the Federation that has to deliver information to one of the last bastions against the rebel resistance. And defeat, after travelling 8 different systems... The rebel's flagship. One monster of a ship, that... is unkillable if you are not prepared for the job. You got to be prepared to fight him (in fact I was only able to kill him once... and in easy mode.), even though the rebels limit your time by constantly chasing you with their enormous fleet.

You have the power to control the movement of you crew and the energy distribution of your ship. a pretty heavy task in the beginning but you get the hang of it very fast and constantly discover new things in the game. Even after days and games after games, it cannot be bored by all the possibilities. But if that wasn't enough... this game is composed mainly of fights and blocks of text with multiple different choices to take.

You might run into a slave auctioneer's ship. ou have the choice, of leaving him be or engage in combat, and if you try to fight him, he might bribe you by giving one of his slaves for free. Will you let him get away, will you take the bait, or will you destroy him and... all the poor souls inside the ship only to get rid of the disgusting leader ?
These choices are up to you. And only you will be the judge of them.

Finally this game has a very good soundtrack that all flows together as stream of never ending syntetized music. But that is also accompanied by great sound design.

You have a plethora of ships to unlock and to discover all the possible flaws and advanges. also followed by a cast of races with all their own backgrounds:

Anyway I'm going to stop here. I can still make much more recommandations if you'd like.
Good bye and have a magnificent day.


  1. the fact that you dont hate me after you gave me the ability to play both these games and I deliberately chose not to do so amazes me

  2. I'll be glad you make more recommendations :)
    Seriously, a regular videogames review on Charlie's OIB could be a great idea !

    Also here's some game recommendation : Outer Wilds, Observation, Subnautica, Metro Exodus, Cuphead 👍

  3. I played FTL-faster than light for some time but I never managed to beat the boss ship. If you are looking for similar games in the same genre there is : Elite:Dangerous, Star Citizen, Eve online and so on. Personnally I only play Elite:dangerous but I never tried Star Citizen nor Eve Online.
