Sunday, March 15, 2020

A few ideas not to be bored + photo experiment

Hello friends,

As you are going to spend a few weeks at home, you might as well find things to keep you occupied. Indeed, if these unexpected holidays do seem really good at first, we are soon going to feel bored. Incredible, the real Easter holidays will seem so fade after that ! We'll all be longing to go back to school ! 

So, in order to help you pass the time, I prepared for you a little list of things you can do during this covid-19 break. Also, I need your help for a photo project : scroll down until the bottom of the article to find out !

NB : As the situation is still evolving, the security/sanitary measures might change, and maybe some of my suggestions won't be possible in a close future, sorry about it but I am no psychic.

- Work : I don't want to sound like a teacher, but please don't forget to do the work your teachers gave you. otherwise it's going to do be a nightmare for you when (or if) you (ever) come back to school. I know it's tempting to chill and not to think too much about school, and we an't go to the library to motivate ourselves, but please don't be too lazy, otherwise you're going to regret it.

- Make music : What about a little piece of music ? It always feels good to be creative. 

- Listen to music : Find a super cool playlist and play it along. Or listen to the radio ! But you might hear about the virus 30 times per hour, so it's up to you to decide whether you want to worsen your own psychosis or not.

- Cook : A great way to improve your self-esteem (or not)

- Go hiking in the Calanques : The weather is good, there are no tourists, you have free time... A nice effort that will bring you peace and satisfaction.

- Go cycling : You can go far for few efforts, cycling is amazing.

- Go to the beach : The water might be a little cold, but the challenge is worth it !

- Draw : express yourself, woah. 

- Learn a language : You're terrible at German, and you can't have a basic conversation although you've been taking German class for 5 years now ? I know what you're talking about, trust me. Well, you now have the time to better (or create) your skills ! Start watching series or movies in German, write in German with your friends, make German friends, and the motivation will come along, I promise !

- Read : Good exercise for your brain, if you have one.

- Tidy your room : This huge pile of dirty clothes on your desk seat needs to be washed. Really. As well as the dozen socks wandering on the floor.

- Decorate your room : Create your own world, just as a 6th-grader.

- Do some sport : Well, you can't go to the gym nor to your sports club, but you can still exercise at home, or go for jogging session on the empty Vieux-Port

- Sleep : Catch up with all the sleep you have been missing for weeks. Sleep your 8 hours per night, no matter if your night begins at 10pm or at 4am.

- Go voting ! If you're over 18, don't forget to go voting today and next Sunday ! Participate to the local democracy !

- PHOTO PROJECT : Go & take photos of empty streets of Marseille (if this is still allowed by the government) : And we could make a little collection of photos during the Stage 3 of sanitary measures. No matter the quality of your camera, take a photo of the streets of Marseille with this special, weird atmosphere and send it to me ! I'll make a collection out of them (tagging the persons who took the photos of course) and I'll share it on the blog ! 

You can send them to me :
on Instagram : @avocabrielle
on Facebook : Jabrielle Goron
or on Discord : Jabrielle#5336

So here we are, I hope you'll find here some ideas to enjoy your free time. This list is of course non-exhaustive, if you have any other ideas please put them in the comments ! 
Have fun during these weeks of confinement ! 
Jabrielle <3

1 comment:

  1. Good initiative, did any of yoy participate in this challenge. If you didn't, it's not too late, I think it'd be actually quite funny to send lots of photos to one of our 2020 graduates.
