Saturday, December 07, 2019

Why are people so angry about the last reform ?

Hello everyone,

I heard there was a little strike last Thursday. There was even a protest. Were you aware of that ? 
After making my own researches, I discovered that the protesters were against the latest reform of the government, concerning retirement.
But these people didn't understand the true value of the reform, and I am going to show you that the government and its reform are good.

Macroléon the Ist
This reform is meant to show the French people that it is not good to be lazy. Indeed, in order to get a retirement, you need to work. Some people tend to think that money grows on trees, and that they don't have to work. And if there is no work where you are, cross the street. At some point, people need to take some initiatives by themselves, and stop relying on the government. 

Also, one of the goals of this reform is to put everyone on an equal basis ! It is not fair that some privileged persons benefit "special regimes", while some other are less paid. Everyone should be less payed, it is common sense ! When I say everyone, I don't include the richest people, because they are the ones making the country work. Same for the companies ! Amazon, Facebook etc, they are the strongest ! Thanks to them there is more work, and more economic growth.

Finally, people shouldn't protest in the street. First because it slows down the economy ; I mean, how can we complain about the lack of money if we prevent the machine from working ? Secondly, because it is dangerous ! The loyal CRSs, sometimes along with the BAC, are here to protect us from dangerous individuals. They are doing good work ! We all owe them a lot, especially protection and security. Along with them, we feel safe, don't we ?

A peacekeeper peacekeeping an aggressive protester

So yes, support the government ! This reform is for us and for our future ! Trust them to promote equality, justice and free-trade (especially free-trade).

See you next trimester for another article,
Your correspondent from Macrony,

PS: This article is a little bit humorous. I hope you liked this ironic tone of mine, and to finish my little satire of the current government on a high note, I'll add that "government is not the solution; government is the problem," as Reagan said, who now must be turning over in his grave because of the unlawful way I used his words.

Let's not forget about the power we have together, and let's keep in mind what the 35th article of the French Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1793 states : 

"When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties."


  1. This is great ^^ and the visuals are amazing, where did you find them?

  2. Old student speaking, your irony was really well used and amused me. Wish you luck in history and geography and lit. (Hello Mr Bishop, Mr Leah, and Mrs Choffrut. With OIB love <3

  3. I have to admit... You had me scared for a second. But nice work, love the visuals

  4. Is it weird that I agreed with the article before you mentioned that it's ironic ? Am I being serious or am I playing your game ? You guess

  5. Hopefully, one day, you will master irony and satire. We will all be doomed when it happens. Like the Dude used to say: "Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.". I just want to say that no matter what your opinions are, I think it is better to develop them with a serious tone. Or, be like me, embody the system, be a subtle caricature, and thus people will be able to criticize the sytem you secretly hate ;)
