Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas et caetera

Attention to everyone, this isn't gonna be a happy christmas post so if you don't like that you might as well skip.

I've noticed in the recent years just how much we're exposed and bathed into this whole Christmas spirit thing come December. On top of the fact that Christmas is now used by companies to make more profit and suffocate you with ads for this and that, and that overall December is supposed to make you forget how bad things actually are, I think there's also more to this. Christmas time is a happy time, at least supposedly. So I just wanted to adress those who don't feel like it is, because yall's voices are too often drowned in the expectations of happiness and joy.

So I'd just like to remind everyone that there are people for whom Christmas feels like proper hell. Sure, Christmas means holidays and getting a break, but the Christmas holidays are very family-centered, and I'd like to send my sympathy to everyone whose family they can't stand to see but are forced to every single year at that period of time. To anyone who'll have to suffer homophic comments, overall racism or even simple remarks on your appearance, your love life or your future, you don't owe these people anything, and so you should always remember that any opinion they might have of you is totally worthless.

This is gonna be a very touchy subject but I feel like it might concern more people than we might think, so : for every person that has suffered from an eating disorder, seeing all this food thrown around and people constantly eating can be a big issue. Remember that no one is forcing you to eat everything the others are having; you don't have to eat any of the sweets or chocolate related things the others do if that's too hard for you. Don't let one moment in the year deconstruct your progress, because as stupid as it might sound you'll be okay!

On a lighter note, a F in the chat for all my Terminales that're gonna spend 2 full weeks obsessing over university applications and personal statements and stuff, because that's not a big yay. If I can do it then so can all of you! (it's as much motivation you'll get from me).
For the Premières, having to already ask yourself what you want to do (EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE LIKE 15) can also be really stressful, so try to not overthink it too much and use this break to well, take a break, rest and do all the edmodo work you might've been given :p

Anyways, for those of us who don't feel that way too much, TWO MORE DAYS!!! I can't wait to not look like a red-eyed zombie from the lack of sleep :)

Love to everyone and don't let anything take away YOUR holidays, and of course the same goes for those who don't celebrate Christmas!

- 6bullx


  1. Thanks, but as trivial as it may seem I think these reminders are... needed, not the best solution compared to ending suchcomments in family gathering, but it feels nice, thanks.

    !F! and good luck, we are all with the terminales !F!

  2. I'm reading this article very late but anyway, I found that all you said is true and I think that it's valid for any family event on any moment of the year. Personally some of my family members said I was "anticapitalist" as a reproach, just because I refuse to wear famous brands like nike for example. I took as a compliment more than as an insult though. To me it's very important to limit the number of toxic people around you, even if it's your family.

  3. Come on, have some "foie gras" (I say it in Frnech because it is the language of "raffinement"), or some salmon, and what about A LITTLE BIT OF THE BUBBLY... Just kidding. If you vote for me for presidence, I will maeke Christmas more sustainable (economically mainly, don't dream Yann is still THE MAN you know) #ALittleBitOfTheBubbly #TheMan
