Saturday, January 11, 2020

More and more poetry, hooray!

Dear Charlie,
As you and likely every one else well knows, I loooooove poetry!
The traditional Asiba poetry competition is once again organized.
The theme this year is GREEN in any way you'd like to see it.

I know how creative you all are and how well you can write and I hope that many of you will volunteer poems. The closing date for submission of poems accompanied by the entry form is Friday February 28th 2020. The precise instructions have been posted on Edmodo.
Hopefully many students will want to participate as we all know how creative they are and how well they can write. Poems are to be posted in a comment below my Edmodo post by FEBRUARY 9.

Eight book prizes will be awarded to winners and runners-up, four in all in each section, and forwarded to referent teachers at their schools.
 The book prizes in 2019 were poetry collections including A Poem for Every Day of the Year edited by Allie Esiri and The Rattle Bag edited by Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes. 
Initial judging will be by panels made up of teachers from OIB/ASIBA schools. Each panel will judge a batch of poems, randomly selected, and make up a shortlist for the final judging. The overall judge, our Cambridge inspector Mrs Celia Donovan, will select the winning poems. 

You simply cannot pass on this amazing opportunity for more poetry and creative writing, can you?

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