Sunday, November 03, 2019

technology will ruin our lives :)

hey Charlie,

I may have exagerated a little in the title ..
but a couple days ago i wrote "kylie jenner's address" for curiosity (i wasn't expecting to find anything) but as shocking as it could sound the FIRST link was a website where you wrote a famous person's name and it told you where they live  !!!!!
i immediatly thought of all the old people telling me that they don't trust the internet

so if you think about it, the the technologie is getting really creepy
we may not be famous so our adresses are not on the internet, BUT

- credit card : someone could create a fake website and steal all of our money

- spying : people/gouvernment could watch us through our phone/laptop and spy on us

- google home/Alexa : they are constantly listening to us and someone shared that Alexa turns on the lights and tv in the middle of the night for no reason or one time a person was crying and alexa responded by saying "its going to be okay" and she wasn't even turned on, it's kinda nice but mostly terrifying

- deep fake/voice clone : it's a total disaster, it's now poosible to clone someone's face and voice in a video.. you could only imagine what they could do and people wouldn't even know if it's fake or not, it could create political problems and many other problems

there are a lot more scary aspects but the blog will be too long if i write them all
i find it fascinating this frightening stuff and if you do too you should watch black mirror, at first i thought "no way this is hapening" but i don't know if you've heard about the social rating thing in china, its basically the EXACT same thing as the "Nosedive" episode in black mirror so yeah..
i apologize if i freaked you out :))


  1. Hi! I have to admit that this post is a little bit scary, but mostly because it can ( and like you said it is ) happen.
    I often hear people argue about the internet, its non-usefullness or dangers but lets face it, nowadays almost everybody use internet or social media.
    I think such information as private address should not be on the net. I would like to say that nobody spy on us trough our phone but...we never know.
    I think that if we use sensibly the internet , like, to not define ourselves as number of like or followers and obviously by not stalking people( which, by the way, I hope no one does ) it would be a great first step.

  2. Reality or dystopia? The line can be fine and blurry. Scary indeed but also great opportunity for amazing fiction
