Sunday, November 03, 2019

Antoine & my fav sport

So I wanted to write an article on here, but as always, I had no idea of what to write about. I then, naturally, turned to my awesome friends, and asked then to give me things to write about. And they did, so I’m going to write about everything they told me. 

  • - Antoine. 
Yes you read right, this is an actual subject they said I could write about. I think you can easily guess who requested that ahah. So Antoine Andrea Bonfili was born on December 30th of 2002, which almost makes him a 2003, and thus shouldn’t be allowed to taunt me because I’m a year younger than the others (doesn’t stop him from doing so though). He was born to Mme Caiozzi and John Lennon, and has a step-brother named Téo who he really hates and never talks about (if you have Bandcamp, his brother has a band named Tomy & the Cougars which is really very good and that I had the pleasure to see live). I know he was born in Marseille, and has always lived in Endoume, which predestined him to be a fan of l’OM, and so, he is (even though they’re absolutely terrible :p). He went to some middle school whose name I can’t remember, and had a friend named Tristan (yeah that’s pretty much all I know about this part of his life, soz). Then came high school, and with his great talent in the English language (and according to Antoine himself, some 'pistonnage’), he entered the great world of the OIB, where he had the chance to meet all of us. In those almost three years together, he has grown a lot (can you believe I used to be way taller than him???), and his voice is no longer high-pitched like we hear in the videos we have of him in Seconde. He’s now on the right path to becoming a great IT engineer of some sort, thanks to his future prestigious St Andrews studies. 
Antoine likes a lot of things, including us, but I believe his passion to be music. His favourite bands are the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the White Stripes (which are both great!!!), which he discovered thanks to his guitar teacher, because yes, Antoine plays guitar! And he’s very good at it, as you might’ve heard in last year’s talent show. When he’s not busy annoying my whole street with Lino, when he comes over he borrows my guitar and plays some great tunes, even though it’s like 3 am and we’re this close to falling asleep. His favourite favourite song is Can’t Stop by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 
Antoine also likes movies, and he especially likes watching moives/going to the cinema with his parents, to watch movies like 120bpm, or more recently, Ad Astra. His favourite movie is Blade Runner 2049/the og Blade Runner. He likes to refuse watching movies because he’d heard they weren’t good, or his parents didn’t like them, or for no reason at all really (yes I’m bitter about Interstellar and CMBYN). 
Anyways, I think I can end this by saying that he’s gonna hate me saying that, but I <3333 him a lot and that he’s one of the bestest people I’ve ever met and that I’m glad to know him :’) 

  • - An angry rant about France losing in rugby. (I wrote that last week, now the final has passed and I'm beyond disappointed)
As the final approaches, I can’t do anything else than express my bitterness that France is out, because although I’m not patriotic at all, and I don’t care for this team more than I care about others, they definitely didn’t deserve to lose like that; I swear I don’t wanna blame him more than he’s already been blamed, but this Vahaamahina guy can really f off. I heard today that he announced his retirement of professional rugby, and damn right he did, because seriously I’ve never seen something more outrageous than what he did, as shown in this nice little picture.

The worst thing is that he’d already done something of the sort in 2018 against Clermont (hitting a player in the face, then flipping off the public as he went out of the field, which is like, dumb for starters, but what’s even dumber is that he still got qualified for the World Cup). All was fine against Argentina and the US, then the whole mess of France-England which I’m still even angrier about, and then THE game, against Wales, that NO ONE saw France winning. And honestly we were doing great, and this was the best game France had played in YEARS, and we had a good 50/50 chance of winning, which is more than we’d ever expected before, and we were far better than Wales, but then he had to have his way and ruin our chance at advancing further in the World Cup. Because, really, playing 15 against 15 when we’re France and they’re Wales is already a struggle, but playing 14 against 15 is downright impossible; so, as it should, we lost a good 20-19, (which also displays the year that Vahaamahina became the most hated rugbyman in France, even more so than Owen Farrell, and that’s saying a lot). Seriously, even the Welsh players admitted that “the better team lost today”! And all that so they could be completely destroyed against South Africa (tbh, we would’ve been destroyed too) and produce the most boring game of the World Cup (almost a tie with the other semi-final, and is most likely going to be beat by the final though). 
Note that I didn’t mention the possibility of the whole forward pass thing, because honestly after having really thought about it, we all came to the conclusion that we couldn’t see a damn thing on the TMO video that was shown, and even if we could, the official rules are pretty clear and the ref didn’t break any of them. I also didn’t talk about THAT picture of the ref making fun of Vahaamahina with the Welsh supporters, because the context is still unclear and I’m still too angry. I apologise for anyone who doesn’t really care about rugby because my article must’ve been quite confusing, so sorry if you’ve read this far without knowing anything about this sport (seriously, you should though, it’s even better than football!) 

Anyways, thanks Antoine and Lino for the great suggestions, and see you next time! 


  1. I agree about everything you said! Antoine is indeed the bestest, and he deserves <3333 and i <3333 him too, he's one of the funniest people I EVER met, and honestly, I can't even imagine what the OIB would be without him.
    About rugby, I'm so disappointed that I have difficulties talking about it, but yeah I feel like the two transformations that were missed were really a shame...

    1. you know wat, let's do a comment thread on every reason why antoine is a great person, i'll start : the way he puts and takes out his phone from the side pocket of his jacket is damn stylish.
      Also yeahhh but you know what? can't wait to move out of France to change my nationality so i no longer have to be represented by such sport teams :DD

    2. He is damn funny and don't ever miss on cheering people up

  2. Tbh I only read the part about Antoine, even though I suprisingly almost knew everything hihi, that must be why Antoine and I are the best bros ever ;)
