Sunday, November 03, 2019


Hellooooo Charlie !! I know you missed me, it's quite expected ;)

So I'm here to talk to you about one of my favourite events of the year, THE INTEGRATION PICNIC !

 As you know,  it's the first  event of the year. It's one of my favourites because it helps integrate the new oib secondes, so imagine it's your first week as an oib, you probably don't know anyone yet and then there's this event where you can be properly introduced to everyone, make friends and be a bit more comfortable. I don't know about the new secondes but it definitely helped me be more comfortable last year.  It's a moment where we share homemade food, spend quality time all together and get to know each other better.

It's win-win for everyone,  the  Première and Terminale get to reconnect with their  friends and the Section and meet the new seconde students, on the other hand, the new students discover the older OIBs and the Section.

This year's integration took place in school. We played bonding activities. First , we played a game called Zip Zap which helped learn each others' names. It was fun and funny ! we were all divided into mixed groups of 2nde, 1ere and Terminale and we wrote on pieces of fabric two words that represent us and shared it with the rest of the group. We both learned something about ourselves and one another. These different pieces of fabric will be later put together to create a beautiful OIB patchwork garland which will decorate one of the OIB classrooms.
Finally, the moment we'd all been waiting for arrived: eating !!! The homemade dishes were really delicious ! Some serious cooking skills in the oib ! ( We know that it's actually the parents's cooking, shhhhhh I won't tell anyone)

This event really helps know our new fellow OIBs and it is definitely a great moment to share homemade dishes and swap stories and jokes.

That's all for me Charlie, have a nice comeback for the holidays ( I know it hurts but we can do it ! I think..)

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